Composite Pavement Distress—Visual Rating

Composite pavement deterioration is exhibited in a combination of some flexible pave­ment distresses and some rigid pavement distresses. The most prominent composite pavement distresses, which were defined under flexible or rigid pavement, are raveling, bleeding, rutting, corrugations, pumping, and various slab distresses. 3.8.2 Investigative Methods If a pavement exhibits structural distresses, such as cracking, patching, […]

Continuously Reinforced Rigid Pavement Distress—Visual Rating

Continuously reinforced concrete pavement deterioration is exhibited by the same dis­tresses discussed for jointed concrete pavement along with the following additional considerations. Settlement. As previously stated, settlement as displayed by a depression in the pro­file of the pavement affects the smoothness of a pavement. It may be the result of poor construction practice such as […]

Pavement Deterioration

Pavement deterioration or distress can be classified into two basic categories for all pave­ment types—structural and functional. The most serious category is structural. Structural deterioration results in reduced ability to carry load and a decreased pavement life. Functional deterioration can lead to and accelerate structural deterioration, but it is only related to ride quality and […]


Project-level pavement management is responsible for continuous evaluation of pave­ment’s present serviceability, monitoring of the pavement loading rate, determination of the cause and rate of pavement deterioration, prediction of optimal time for inter­vention, and evaluation of the most economical rehabilitation strategy. Pavement management can be applied at the project level or at the network level. […]