Traffic Loading

Perhaps the most important step in designing a pavement is the estimation of the design traffic. Overestimation of the design traffic results in a thicker pavement than necessary with associated higher costs. Underestimation of traffic results in a thin pavement that will fail prematurely, resulting in higher maintenance and user costs. If the proposed pavement […]


The AASHTO pavement design equations have some variables that are common to both rigid and flexible pavements, including serviceability, traffic loading, reliability, overall standard deviation, and roadbed soil resilient modulus. These parameters are discussed in the following articles. Subsequently, the design procedure is presented for rigid pavements in Art. 3.6 and for flexible pavements in […]

Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design

AASHTO has given interim approval for a new approach to pavement design as described in the AASHTO Interim Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide Manual of Practice. Several years in development, this M-E pavement design guide and the accompanying software should provide a significant advancement in pavement performance prediction. As its title implies, mechanistic-empirical models are used […]


Asphalt concrete pavement, also referred to as flexible pavement, is a mixture of sand, aggregate, a filler material, and asphalt cement combined in a controlled process, placed, and compacted. The filler material can range from quarry crushing dust and asphalt-plant baghouse fines to wood fibers (cellulose). There are many additives that can be used in […]

Continuously Reinforced Rigid Pavement

As the name implies, continuously reinforced concrete (CRC) pavement is a rigid pave­ment constructed with continuous longitudinal reinforcement. No transverse joints are installed. Instead, the pavement is allowed to develop random transverse cracks, and the steel reinforcement holds the cracked sections together. The size and spacing of the cracks are influenced by the percentage of […]