How truly to choose a bath

Now I wish to write about the major making a bathroom, actually, to the bath. The bathroom with fine and comfortable bathroom equipment is capable to cheer you up at its visit.

Let’s carry out the small price and high-quality analysis of baths and materials of which they are made.

Pig-iron baths

Actually in overwhelming majority of apartments pig-iron baths are established "starenky kind". Enamel was put on them with way of a dusting at very highest temperature. Quality of that coloring is low. Already in a couple of years operation on them the dark points, any indelible strips were shown. Besides the baths established in our apartments, have the next defect – molding thick, and a product very heavy. At installation dismantle it is awkward.

How truly to choose a bath

These defects modern products of the European companies are absolutely deprived. They the enamel covering qualitative is essential easier. The antisliding covering is put on a bottom of a bath, for safety. Not including it, legs are regulated on height, and to expose a bath across even more simply. Also, rather thick pig-iron walls it is long keep heat, when filling by water of that bath there is less noise, than at iron analog.

High-quality pig-iron baths are rather expensive, and to establish them more difficult because of their weight.

Iron (iron) baths

How truly to choose a bath

They can be made of a sheet corrosion-proof or ordinary iron leaf. Are painted in the most different colors. They it is essential easier on weight of metal brothers. But here warmly keep not for long, when filling strong noise of falling water is audible. They, of course, are cheaper than metal brothers.

Acrylic baths

Well, and eventually, more significant sector of this market – baths acrylic. They are made a method of hot punching of an acrylic leaf in the vacuum environment. Then for durability these sheets are reinforced by fiber glass threads. It is dependent on quantity of the reinforced layers, receive a suitable krepkost of a product.

These baths can be the most different forms, and coloring, certainly. Therefore there is a possibility to pick up for itself option for though what form of a room of a bathroom. These products in the market are presented in very wide price scale. There can be the economical options, also very expensive elite hydromassage systems which are so called by a jacuzzi.

How truly to choose a bath

Acryle as the material for a bath, has a large quantity of defects. The surface can be destroyed simply. The acrylic bath asks special leaving – a frequent sink special means. Also external shape is in dependence from property of enamel. It does not concern expensive products, and here cheap baths in a year can already grow dull. At installation of an acrylic bath the rigid iron framework where the bath is located first gathers.

Such makary to choose a bath does not make special work. In the market a large quantity of products on though what taste and a purse. It is necessary to be caused only with the desires and abilities.

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