Soldering of metalplastic pipes
Not so long since substituted starenky water pipes for the new metalplastic. The choice on plastic pipes fell not a case, in the first iron pipes expensive, have the smallest service life (on comparison with metalplastic), demand repeating painting, installation needs the qualified welder which work needs to be paid. Pipes on сгонах give eventually a leakage in junctions. Installation (soldering) of plastic pipes can be carried out to too time without the aid of others. Earlier, I never soldered pipes, but it was necessary to create, as soldered heating systems.
For work it was not required introductions, what or difficult adaptations – only паяльничек and scissors, a roulette, tow, hermetic for a pakovka of carving connections.
First of all drew the scheme of future communications is it is necessary for accurate calculation of the necessary parts (corners, contours, cranes). In shop I bought everything that is necessary including and паяльничек for pipes.
On a photo паяльничек for pipes
Assembly of a water supply system of the beginnings from a place of input of water, for this purpose the fitting twisted in the crane of a water supply system an adapter, and to it soldered a pipe. Okhoto to note some features of this type of works: to hold a pipe got on паяльничек it is necessary less 4-5секунд, on another will overheat, and plastic will last, and connection will be not dense; at measurement of pipes to consider depth of immersion in a detail on 1,5 see. Almost everything from this I вызнал already in the course of works.
On a photo of the Pipe cut by means of special scissors.
On a payalnichka for pipes exposed temperature 2500с (it is considered good for the soldering of pipes a diameter 20мм), a pipe and a connecting element heated during 4-5секунд. The warm detail of second 2-3 cools down, and for this period of time it is necessary to manage to connect details.
On a photo heating of pipes by a payalnichok
The most difficult, for me in this work, it to realize what element to solder at first. Essence that if to solder one element, another probably will appear in such place, where a hedgehog with a payalnichok not подлезешь.
On a photo a ready result (a photo of all water supply system did not begin to spread)
As a whole I am happy with result of the carried-out work, well and means saved up, therefore what to solder one point there are about $7, and itself, not without mistakes, but finally the water supply system is accurate
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