Рубрика: Water Engineering in Ancient Civilizations. 5,000 Years of History

Arab Science and Hydraulic Machinery Hydrodynamics and Marvelous Machines

We have seen that a political climate favorable to intellectual activity evolved under the Abbassides — and this climate coincided with important needs for hydraulic develop­ment. Scientists and often engineers made use of all the fruits of Greek and Hellenistic science in parallel with major construction projects. They produce precise mechanisms, water clocks (clepsydres) and […]

Hydraulics and prosperity in the heart of the Arab world

Arab agriculture included exotic crops such as cotton, rice, and sugar cane in addition to traditional grains and fruits. Cotton was known in Mesopotamia since the time of the Assyrians, but was essentially undeveloped. These crops require considerable water, and therefore are grown in the large irrigable zones on the shores of the Khabur, the […]

The great libraries of the Abbasids

Two grand libraries flourished under the Abbasids. They were motivated by the same goals as the ancient libraries of Alexandria and Pergamon: the prestige of the sovereign and the attraction to scholars from everywhere. The grand library of Baghdad, the Bayt al-hikma was developed under the reign of Haroun al-Rashid (786 — 809). It benefited […]

In the heart of the Arab world: the splendor of the Umeyyades and the Abbassids

Byzantium, the Sassanides and the new Arab empire Water supply systems of the Byzantine cities do not measure up to those of the Romans, either in quality or in quantity. In many Byzantine cities, such as Apamea-on-Orontes or even Constantinople itself, aqueducts are abandoned in favor of cisterns, sometimes very large and fed by runoff […]

Water resources for Persia and the silk road

The traveler coming from Taklamakan or India enroute for the Roman or Arab worlds, whether he crosses the Kush or the high passes of Pamir that lead to Bactria, encounters the vast arid zone of the Persian plateau (or Khorassan). The plateau’s sparse and unre­liable water resources were exploited by means of several irrigated oases […]