Рубрика: Water Engineering in Ancient Civilizations. 5,000 Years of History

Hydraulic development and rise of the Qin kingdom (4th and 3rd centuries BC)

The kingdom of Qin, rising from the western valley of the Wei, begins to grow from 350 BC. Its leaders are tough, uninterested in moderate discourse and Confucian scholarship. In 417 BC they had occupied Lin-Tsin, one of the centers of the cult of the Yellow River at its confluence with the Luo (the other […]

The first large transport canals of the 5th century BC

Irrigation and drainage make it possible to develop cultivated land, as we have seen. In addition, the transport of bulk matter (especially grains) relies mainly on canals. Therefore it is typical to find dense networks of irrigation canals branching out from main transport canals during the major kingdoms. The following text of Sima Qian gives […]

From fear of the Yellow River to the first grand irrigation projects (7th to 5th centuries BC)

The first large dike construction projects on the lower course of the Yellow River date from the spring and autumn period, more precisely the first half of the 7th century BC. The duke Huan de Qi is said to have brought together the “nine rivers” described by Sima Qian into a single course and probably […]

From the beginnings of agriculture to the legendary founder of Chinese civ­ilization

Archaeology teaches us that grain cultivation, namely millet, appears in the middle basin of the Yellow River around 6000 BC.[370] [371] [372] Two cultures develop successively in this region: one is called the Yangshao at the end of the VIth millennium BC, during which small- scale farming develops (pork, poultry); the other is the Longshan, […]