Рубрика: Water Engineering in Ancient Civilizations. 5,000 Years of History

The end of the Han and the last great hydraulic projects

Reconstruction efforts mark the beginning of the period of the “latter” Han. The Bian canal had greatly suffered from inundations, and the repair works were directed by an engineer called Wang Ching. In 70 AD the Emperor Mingdi inspects this work: “Since the dike ruptures at the outlet of the Bian canal, more than sixty […]

The Han Empire: continuing hydraulic development. Awakening of the Yellow River

The First Emperor left the legacy of an energetic, but bloody, monarchy to Chinese his­torians. And this is no doubt why the Qin Dynasty could not survive it. It is replaced by the long Han Dynasty, dominating China for more than four centuries from 206 BC to 220 AD. The Empire continues to encompass the […]

The destiny of Shi Huangdi, first emperor

The eulogy of Shi Huangdi (formerly Zheng) is engraved on the gates of the city of Jishi. It recognizes not only his destiny as a conquerer, but also his contributions to hydraulic infrastructure: “He took down the inner and outer fortifications, “He opened the watercourses and erected dikes, “He leveled the dangerous gorges.”[405] His overall […]