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Rolling offsets can be figured with a complex method or with a simplified method. since i assume that you are interested in the most accurate informa­tion that you can get in the shortest amount of time, i will give you the sim­plified version. The results will be the same as the more complicated method, but you will not pull out as much hair or lose as much time as you would with the other exercise, and you will arrive at the same solution.


FIGURE 2.8 ■ Starting point of a 451 offset around a tank.


FIGURE 2.9 ■ Simplified method of figuring a rolling offset.

To figure rolling offsets simply, you will need a framing square, just a typ­ical, steel, framing square. The corner of any flat surface is also needed, so that you can form a right angle...

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Too Good To Be Legal

image27"It is illegal to inhabit a tiny home in most popu­lated areas of the U. S. The housing industry and the banks sustaining it spent much of the 1970s and 1980s pushing for larger houses to produce more profit per structure, and housing authori­ties all cross the country adopted this bias in the form of minimum-size standards. The stated purpose of these codes is to preserve the high quality of living enjoyed in our urban and sub­urban areas by defining how small a house can be. They govern the size of every habitable room and details therein. By aim­ing to eliminate all but the most extravagant housing, size standards have effectively eliminated housing for everyone but the most affluent Americans.

No Problem Too Small

Again, the intention of these limits is to keep unsightly little hous...

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Time Domain Reflectometry Techniques

Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is a non-destructive electromagnetic technology that utilises the relationship between the relative permittivity (usually known as the dielectric constant, кг) of porous materials and their water content. Dry soils have values of dielectric constant of around 2-6 but water about 79-82 depending on wave frequency and water temperature. As the water content of the soil increases the dielectric constant also increases and is therefore an indirect indicator of the soil water content (Topp et al., 1980; Topp & Davis 1985; Svensson, 1997; Hillel, 1998; O’Connor & Dowding, 1999).

Time Domain Reflectometry Techniques Подпись: 2L t Подпись: (3.2)

Time Domain Reflectometry is nowadays the most common technique for mon­itoring water content in pavement structures and subgrades. Topp et al...

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Maintaining a Healthy Home

So the much anticipated day finally arrives. After all these years of dreaming and endless months of planning, your new, healthy home is ready to move into. Now, most people would think that’s the end of the story. Mission accomplished! Crack out the champagne! But it’s actually a very important new beginning and one that is sadly overlooked by many people. You see, your home is essentially a living organism, and in order for it to remain as healthy and vibrant as when you first move in, you will need a long-term commitmentto both occupy and maintain your home in a healthy manner.

Most people assume they already know how to do this...

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Подпись: plate start the nail at a 60' angle, about 1 in. from the end of the board.Techniques TOENAILING BASICSПодпись: When it’s not possible to drive a nail directly through one piece of wood and into another, join them with a toenail.DRIVING A COUPLE of nails through the side of one 2x into the edge or face of another creates a strong connection. This is a good way to join two 2xs at a right angle. But sometimes this isn’t pos­sible, either because the board is too thick or because its face is not exposed. That’s when you resort to driving a nail at an angle, or toenailing.

To toenail two boards together, hold the nail at a 60-degree angle and start it about 1 in. from the end of the board. If the nail angle is not cor­rect, the connection between the two pieces of wood will not be as strong. Back up the wood with your foot to hold the board in place as you toenail. With practice, you’ll soon gain skill, speed, and confidence.



Stretch a string tightly...

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Portable table saw

When I first started framing back in the 1950s, the only power tool we had on the job was a table saw. It was a heavy monster with more iron in it than a John Deere tractor. It definitely was not portable. These days, table saws aren’t used much in framing, but they’re still very useful on the job site. Fortunately, these new machines are now so portable that they can be lifted with one hand. I find the table saw especially use­ful when it’s time for finish work. With it, I can easily and quickly cut siding and interior and exterior trim to size.

While these saws are convenient, they— like any tool—can be hazardous if used improperly. They’re light, so they should be secured to a work table at a comfort­able working height...

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Discrete Univariate Probability Distributions

In the reliability analysis of hydrosystems engineering problems, several proba­bility distributions are used frequently. Based on the nature of the random vari­able, probability distributions are classified into discrete and continuous types. In this section, two discrete distributions, namely, the binomial distribution and the Poisson distribution, that are used commonly in hydrosystems reliability analysis, are described. Section 2.6 describes several frequently used univari­ate continuous distributions. For the distributions discussed in this chapter and others not included herein, their relationships are shown in Fig. 2.15.

Discrete Univariate Probability Distributions

Figure 2.15 Relationships among univariate distributions. (After Leemis, 1986.)

Computations of probability and quantiles for the great majority of the ...

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Old-time carpenters needed many hand tools to cut and shape raw wood, such as the handsaw, keyhole saw, and miter box. Today’s carpenters use power tools, such as the circular saw, reciprocating saw, jigsaw, and miter saw.

Circular saw

The portable circular saw is as indispens­able to a carpenter as a word processor or computer is to a writer. It is the one tool that you will use over and over again every day.

Circular saws come in two basic styles (see the photo below). One is a worm – drive saw with the blade on the left side. Direct-drive saws (also called sidewinders) have the blade on either the right or left side. Like many framers I know, I prefer the worm drive because it’s heavier, more durable, and delivers more power to the blade than the sidewinder.

For most carpenters, the av...

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Round Obstacles

You’ve just seen how to get around what many would see as a typical prob­lem. Most offsets are used to get around square or rectangular objects. But, what happens when you have to bypass a round object, such as a pressure tank? Don’t worry, there is a simple way to get around most any problem, so let’s talk about going around circular objects.

Okay, we have a pipe that has to rise vertically, but there is a horizontal expansion tank hanging in the ceiling that is blocking the path of our pipe. We have a very limited amount of space on either side of the tank to work

within, so our measurements have to be precise. Assume that an eyeball meas­urement will not work in this case. So, let’s set up the symbols that we will use in this formula.

Let’s use the letter A to indicate the center of t...

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Toxic Fumes from Cleaning Products

L. G. is a 53-year-old woman who was in reason­ably good health until two years after she began working for a hotel as a housekeeper. At that time she consulted Dr. Elliott complaining of rashes, headaches, joint pain, and fatigue. After extensive questioning, Dr. Elliott concluded that the source of her symptoms was probably at her place of employment. Through a process of elimination, it became apparent that she had become sensitized to the pine-scented product she used to disinfect bathrooms. Although this woman was unable to convince her employer to switch to less toxic

and health standards for industrial and insti­tutional cleaners. Based on information pro­vided by the manufacturers, Green Seal has recommended cleaners that meet the follow­ing criteria:8

• are not toxic to human ...

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