Make the Wind Work for You

Generally, summer and winter winds come from different directions. It’s usually pos­sible to divert winter winds and to channelsummer breezes by carefully locating the house in relation to its surroundings. Check with your local airport, meteorological sta­tion, or state energy office to determine the prevailing summer — and winter-wind direc­tions for your area. Also, this […]

It’s Difficult to Compare U-Factors

The U-factors reported by European window manufacturers—whether given in European units (W/m2^K°) or North American units (Btu/ft2^F°)—are difficult to compare with U-factors reported by North American man­ufacturers. European and North American laboratories use different protocols to test window U-factors, and most glazing experts agree that European U-factors would look worse if the windows were tested […]