There are almost as many physical distinctions among tiles as there are tile types, but the most important traits to consider are water resistance and durability. Water resistance. Here, three of four official categories of tiles include the word vitreous, which means glasslike, and suggest how much the tile will resist or absorb water. The […]


Tile surfaces arable, and—if you’re patient—fairly easy to install. Yet although tile has a hard finish, the ultimate dura­bility of the installation depends on the integrity of what lies beneath. Choosing Tile There’s a riot of tiles to choose from, including slate, white porcelain hexagonals, ruddy Mexican pavers, tumbled marble, glass mosaic, brick veneer, cast […]


Most noise-related problems can be solved inex­pensively, without major architectural remedies. Basically, you can install materials that absorb sound or try to reduce the sound’s transmission by isolating it. SOUND-ABSORBING MATERIALS Within a room, use materials that absorb sound. Absorbent materials are often soft, porous, or bulky, such as carpet, cork, cloth drapes, furni­ture, or […]


Think twice before trying to restore damaged crown molding, medallions, or other plaster ceil­ing ornaments. Plastic or composite reproductions of plaster elements are good-looking, lightweight, easy to install and—once painted—indistinguish­able from plaster ornaments. Given the hourly rates of a skilled plasterer, replacing plaster with plastic repros is often more cost-effective. However, if your plaster ornament […]


Small cracks or holes in plaster can be filled with patching plaster or a setting-type joint compound such as Durabond 90, which sets in 90 minutes. Because joint compound is softer, sands easily, and sets slower than patching plaster, it’s easier to work with. Setting-type joint compounds (also known as hot mud) are also better […]


To finish drywall, seal the panel joints with tape or cornerbead, then cover them with joint com­pound. Typically, three coats of compound are applied in successively wider coats and sanded after each application. The first coat, usually a high-strength taping compound, embeds the tape. The second coat should be a thin layer of topping compound […]


Handling drywall is a bit like waltzing: You can do it by yourself, but it’s not all that much fun. For starters, carrying an cumbersome 70-lb. panel around a work site is a two-person job. Both of you should be on the same side of the panel, same hand supporting the bottom edge, same hand […]


Start by consulting local building codes. They’ll specify the type, thickness, and number of drywall layers you must install throughout the house. It’s possible to estimate drywall materials from a set of blueprints, but even the pros prefer to walk the job, measuring walls and ceilings and noting where using longer panels will minimize joints. […]