Рубрика: Hydrosystems Engineering Reliability Assessment and Risk Analysis

Integration of Reliability in Optimal Hydrosystems Design

8.1 Introduction All hydrosystems engineering problems involve many interconnected and in­terrelated components. The analysis of any hydrosystem problem should take those interactions into account so that the overall behavior of the system is modeled properly. In general, problems in hydrosystems engineering can be classified into (1) development problems, (2) design problems, and (3) opera­tional problems […]

Fault-tree analysis

Conceptually, fault-tree analysis, unlike event-tree analysis, is a backward anal­ysis that begins with a system failure and traces backward, searching for pos­sible causes of the failure. Fault-tree analysis was initiated at Bell Telephone Laboratories and Boeing Aircraft Company (Barlow et al., 1975). Since then, it has been used for evaluating the reliability of many different […]

Conditional probability approach

This approach starts with a selection of key components and modes of opera­tion whose states (operational or failure) would decompose the entire system into simple series and/or parallel subsystems for which the reliability or failure probability can be evaluated easily. Then the reliability of the entire system is obtained by combining those of the subsystems […]

Methods for Computing Reliability of Complex Systems

Evaluation of the reliability of simple systems, as described in the preceding section, is generally straightforward. However, many practical hydrosystems engineering infrastructures, such as water distribution systems, have neither series nor parallel configuration. Evaluation of the reliability for such com­plex systems generally is difficult. For some systems, with their components arranged in a complex configuration, […]

Reliability of Simple Systems

In this section the reliability of some simple systems will be discussed. In the framework of time-to-failure analysis, availability of such systems will be pre­sented. Information such as this is essential to serve as the building blocks for determination of reliability or availability of more complex systems. 7.3.1 Series systems A series system requires that […]