Congestion, when applied to traffic, refers to that condition which occurs when drivers experience a noticeable delay in completing a trip because of inability to maneuver through the traffic stream. This condition is characterized by slow travel speeds, increased travel times, increased accident frequencies, erratic stop-and-go driving, increased vehicle operating costs, and other undesirable circumstances […]

Shopping Center and Industrial Drives

Figure 2.57 shows two typical driveway designs to be used as a guide for the design of driveways serving high-volume traffic generators such as shopping centers, industrial plants, industrial parks, and other types of developments having similar traffic charac­teristics. Many of the design features discussed in Art. 2.4.1, At-Grade Intersections, are applicable here. Geometric considerations […]

Commercial Drives

The access requirements of most commercial developments can be served by driveways having standard design characteristics. The exceptions are driveways having high traffic volumes, those being used by large vehicles, or those serving businesses that engender unique traffic patterns. For standard commercial drive designs, see Fig. 2.56. The recom­mended radii are (1) 15 ft (4.6 […]


1.10.1 Location Part of the process in obtaining a driveway permit is to determine where the driveway will be located. The following guidelines may be used to establish this location. Wherever possible, drives should be located in accordance with the intersection sight distance criteria (see Table 2.3). Special consideration should be given to the location […]