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2.14.1 Plan Preparation

The purpose of a set of highway construction plans is to delineate the proposed work with sufficient design details, supplemented with notes, calculations, and summary of quantities, so that it can be clearly and uniformly interpreted by engineers and con­tractors (Ref. 8). Sufficient data must be provided to enable the contractor to make an intelligent bid and to perform the work as intended. Clarity, completeness, and


FIGURE 2.70 Examples of median HOV lanes for buses. (a) Reversible lanes for express buses. (b) Two­way lanes for local buses. Conversion: 6 to 10 ft = 1.8 to 3.0 m. (From Guide for the Design of High Occupancy Vehicle Facilities, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D. C., 2004, with permission)


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Arterial Design Considerations

There are two general categories of HOV lanes for use on surface arterial streets: (1) those which assign exclusive use of designated lanes for HOV use and (2) those which give

Arterial Design Considerations

FIGURE 2.63 Cross sections for high-occupancy-vehicle two-way separated lanes on separated roadway. Conversion: 1 ft = 0.305 m. (From Guide for the Design of High Occupancy Vehicle Facilities, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D. C., 1992, with permission)

preferential treatment or special privileges to HOVs through traffic control measures. The first category includes concurrent and contraflow reserved lanes, reversible median or center lanes, and streets devoted to HOV use...

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SOMETIMES A LITTLE extra persuasion is needed to unite tongue-and-groove sheathing panels. Have one person stand on the edge of the sheet and hold it flat and snug against the previous row of sheathing. Another person can lay a scrap of 2x (to protect the groove from damage) against the sheet and hit it with a sledgehammer. A couple of licks should bring the two sheets together. If not, check the edge for damage or for an obstruction that may be holding the two sheets apart.

Techniques FITTING SHEATHINGCOAX PANELS INTO PLACE. A couple of good wallops with a sledge will usually seat even an ornery Sheet Of tongue-and-grOOVe Sheathing. [Photo by Roe л. Osborn, courtesy Fine Homebuilding magazine, The Taunton Press, Inc.]

line. On one side of the building, measure in 48УІ in...

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Finalizing the Changes in the Aggregate Mix

As a result of the actions undertaken during Stages 1-4, the present mix is distin­guished by a very high proportion of coarse particles (the strong skeleton) and the maximum discontinuity of gradation allowed by the gradation curves of SMA 0/11 according to ZW-SMA-2001. The share of the coarse aggregate fraction was fixed all the time at the level of 75% (m/m). Keeping in mind the impact of the size of coarse aggregate fraction on the content of voids and binder, specimens can be prepared and then tested to check their characteristics, and finally some final refinements to the fraction in question can be made.

But there is still a question, is it a good SMA mixture? Let us compare our newly designed very coarse SMA to the German recommendation and the 30-20-10 rule.

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The Standard Plumbing Code provides a sizing example in their codebook. The Standard Plumbing Code, the BOCA code, and the International Plumb­ing Code have joined together and your local code office may have any vari­ation of these three codes in effect, so check your local codes carefully. A fac­tory is the building chosen for their sizing exercise. The instructions provided in their sizing example and explanations is good. By using the tables provided and the formulas given, you can size the water distribution system for the building with minimal stress.

The responsibility of sizing a large water system may never be placed on your shoulders. Architects and engineers will probably design most of the sys­tems that you install in large buildings...

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chopsaw, which is fine if you have one. But there is another easy way to cut blocks. Try making a simple block-cutting tool to use with a circular saw. Once you have the guide, simply hook it on a 2x and make the cut along the edge.


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MAKE A JIG TO CUT BLOCKS QUICKLY. This simple jig can be made from scrap in just a few minutes. It eliminates all measuring and marking, which saves a great deal of time when cutting blocking.




job site, as I-joist width varies from manufac­turer to manufacturer. T he most common width for residential 1-joists is 9’/ in., so you can cut blocking from scrap pieces of I – joists or from 2×10 lumber...

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Doors, Windows, and Skylights

Doors, windows,

to do a lot. They must be solidly attached yet mov­able, let light in while keeping rain out, admit guests but deny drafts. Because these units are so complex, it’s impossible to shoehorn everything one might say about them into one chapter. You’ll find more about flashing in Chapters 5 and 7; more on adding openings to exterior walls, replac­ing rot, and structural carpentry in Chapter 8; and more on installing interior casing in Chapter 17.

This chapter begins with installing interior doors—among the last things you’d do in a renova­tion—but a task so similar to hanging exterior doors that these two procedures belong side-by-side.

Ordering Doors: An Overview

Door frames consist of several pieces: two side pieces, or sidejambs, and a head jamb (or frame head) runnin...

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Freeway Design Considerations

There are three types of HOV lane patterns—separated lanes, concurrent flow lanes, and contraflow lanes. Regardless of which pattern is chosen, consideration should be given to traffic operations at interchanges and on-ramps, pedestrian access to on-line stations, the availability of parking areas at or near the stations, and the possible use of HOV lanes during freeway maintenance of traffic operations. Design speeds should generally be the same as for the mainline facility. Recommended lane and shoulder widths can be seen in the next group of referenced figures (Figs. 2.61 through 2.66).

A separated HOV lane may be located in the median or on the outside of the general lanes, or follow an independent alignment. See Figs. 2.61, 2.62, and 2.63 for examples of cross sections. Figures 2...

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The accompanying illustrations show some site plans from demonstrations in the’Affordable Housing Program. The sites vary greatly in shape and in their physical characteristics.

However, each of the plans represents a creative relationship to the existing land. Densities vary from five units per acre for the least dense single – fam’ily detached homes to 17.4 units per acre for the most dense single­family attached homes.

Local land use restrictions, and the degree to which local officials were willing to waive or modify certain existing zoning or code restrictions as requested by the developer, varied with each site. However, in all the affordable housing demonstrations, public officials and developers worked together with a high degree of cooperation to achieve affordability.

Подпись: Phoenix, ArizonaThe Cimarr...

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Operational Considerations

Management of HOV facility operations may be accomplished by a range of techno­logical and personnel means. Minimum control may consist of passive signing and delineation. Maximum control may involve sophisticated surveillance, vehicle detection with computer integration, and dynamic, real-time signing or delineation.

A determination of the level of vehicle restriction must be made on the basis of traffic characteristics and how much the HOV lane is used. Restricting use of the HOV lane to vehicles with three or more passengers (3 + ) may give the appearance that the lane is underused. On the other hand, restricting the lane to vehicles with only two or more passengers (2 + ) sometimes results in lane utilization approaching capacity...

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