Balanced Ventilation Brings in the Good Air, Banishes the Bad, and Conserves Energy
The best way to temper incoming air while reducing HVAC energy consumption is to use a heat-recovery ventilator (HRV) or an energy-recovery ventilator (ERV). These systems (see the drawing on the facing page) are balanced approaches that use the temperature and humidity of an exhaust-air stream (which otherwise would have been wasted) to temper the air of a supply stream, thereby reducing the HVAC energy cost. An HRV heats or cools incoming fresh air and can recapture up to 80% of the energy that would be lost without it. ERVs are better suited for hot, humid climates because they dry incoming air, thus reducing the work that the air conditioner has to do.
You Still Need to Clean Up
Ventilation is good at diluting gaseous compounds and small particles because small particles act like gase...
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