Рубрика: Hydrosystems Engineering Reliability Assessment and Risk Analysis

Generation of Vectors of Multivariate Random Variables

In preceding sections, discussions focused on generating univariate random variates. It is not uncommon for hydrosystems engineering problems to involve multiple random variables that are correlated and statistically dependent. For example, many data show that the peak discharge and volume of a runoff hy­drograph are positively correlated. To simulate systems involving correlated random variables, generated […]

Other univariate distributions and computer programs

The algorithms described in the preceding subsections are for some probability distributions commonly used in hydrosystems engineering and analysis. One might encounter other types of probability distributions in an analysis that are not described herein. There are several books that have been written for gen­erating univariate random numbers (Rubinstein, 1981; Dagpunar, 1988; Gould and Tobochnik, […]

Generation of Univariate Random Numbers for Some Distributions

This section briefly outlines efficient algorithms for generating random variates for some probability distributions commonly used in hydrosystems engineering and analysis. 6.1.2 Normal distribution A normal random variable with a mean цx and standard deviation ox, denoted as X ~ N(p. x, ox), has a PDF given in Eq. (2.58). The relationship between X and […]

Variable transformation method

The variable transformation method generates a random variate of interest based on its known statistical relationship with other random variables the variates of which can be produced easily. For example, one is interested in generating chi-square random variates with n degrees of freedom. The CDF — inverse method is not appropriate in this case because […]