Underground structures may be built by a variety of means including embankment construction, open-trench construction, jacking, tunneling, and microtunneling. The proper design and installation of the foundation, bedding, and backfill for embankment and trench installations are critical to the performance of underground structures. They are also essential factors for achieving an accurate structural analysis of […]

Shapes and Materials

Almost any size and shape of culvert can be utilized for the replacement of an existing bridge. However, reinforced concrete three — and four-sided box culverts, special shape reinforced concrete structures, metal box culverts, and long-span corrugated metal structures are particularly suited for this application. This is because they tend to have larger open-end areas […]


5.9.1 Introduction America’s transportation infrastructure—particularly the Interstate Highway System— is past its original anticipated design life and its age is showing. The age of the system coupled with high user demand and limited financial resources requires innovative thinking from the design engineer. One solution frequently utilized is the replacement of deficient bridges with prefabricated structures. […]

Plastic Pipe

Introduction. Gravity flow thermoplastic pipes used in highway drainage applications are typically manufactured of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). To a lesser extent acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) pipe is also used but is limited to drain, waste, and vent applications. Plastic pipes are always circular in cross­section. They may be either of a solid wall […]

Corrugated Metal Pipe

Introduction. Corrugated metal structures are typically manufactured of either steel or aluminum. These structures are generally designed for ring thrust by a semiempirical method that includes checks for wall area, buckling, and seam strength. A check is also FIGURE 5.39 Coefficients for calculating moment (M), thrust (N), and shear (V) in concrete pipe under linear […]

Rigid Pipe

Introduction. There are two general types of rigid underground structures—those with a curvilinear shape, and those made up of straight walls and flat slabs. A reinforced concrete pipe is an example of the former, while a reinforced concrete box is an example of the latter. Rigid structures built in a curvilinear shape tend to act […]