Shapes and Materials

Shapes and Materials

Almost any size and shape of culvert can be utilized for the replacement of an existing bridge. However, reinforced concrete three – and four-sided box culverts, special shape reinforced concrete structures, metal box culverts, and long-span corrugated metal structures are particularly suited for this application. This is because they tend to have larger open-end areas with lower rises. General details on these structure types are given in Art. 5.6 and the structural design of these structures is given in Art. 5.8. Figures 5.42 and 5.43 show examples of reinforced concrete arches and a long-span corrugated steel culvert being used as bridge replacement structures.

Shapes and Materials

FIGURE 5.43 Corrugated steel culvert being used as a railroad overpass. (Photograph with permission of Viacon, Polska)

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