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Integrated Pest Management

All creatures have their rightful place in na­ture. However, for most this place is not within the walls of human habitations and hence the need for humans to exercise pest control. While many pest control companies advo­cate regular prophylactic spraying of homes with toxic chemicals, this approach can have devastating consequences for the health of all living beings, including the occupants of the home. Although pests are effectively elimi­nated, they eventually return because the un­derlying structural problems that created the conditions inviting to them have not been ad­dressed.

Integrated pest management (IPM) offers a holistic approach to controlling pests...

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Directional Monte Carlo simulation algorithm

Consider the reliability computation involving a multidimensional integral as Eq. (6.48). Without losing generality, the following discussions assume that the stochastic variables in the original X-space have been transformed to the independent standard normal Z’-space (see Sec. 2.7.2). Consequently, the orig­inal performance function W(X) can be expressed as W(Z’). In terms of Z Eq. (6.48) can be written as

Directional Monte Carlo simulation algorithm



Directional Monte Carlo simulation algorithm

in which ф (z 0 is the K-dimensional joint PDF of independent standard normal random variables Z’.

Analytical solutions to Eq. (6.64) exist for only a few special cases. For most problems, Eq. (6.64) is solved by approximation methods, such as the first – and second-order reliability methods described in Secs. 4.4 through 4.6...

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Severity of forms, clearness of lines

In 1975 the Italian company which at present makes bathroom equipment, furniture and devices for bathrooms was based. One more novelty of the company: a sink of ELLE which was developed by Milan designer Matteo Nundzati. The squared model is a big sink which read more

Bracing trusses

Trusses usually come with detailed infor­mation on how to brace the specific type of truss you are installing. These instructions need to be followed care­fully to guarantee that the house will have a strong and stable roof in case of high wind, heavy snow, or earthquake. Don’t try to guess your way through truss bracing.

Having said that, most simple gable – truss roofs are quite easy to brace. Begin by temporarily nailing a long 1x across the rafter chords of each truss, near the ridge point. (I often nail this 1x on the underside of the rafter chord so I won’t have to remove it when sheathing the roof.) This 1x helps hold the trusses stable until you nail in the ridge blocks and other braces...

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Irrigation in Ancient India

Agriculture is the foundation of the economy of India, and consequently the practice of irrigation is widespread. In the above introduction, we have tried to give some idea of the broad cultural mixing that took place in this country. Because of this mixing, com­bined with India’s traditional lack of interest in its own history and the difficulty of dat­ing Sanskrit texts, it is quite a challenge to find the origins of innovations, and some­
times even to identify references to original hydraulic works in the texts. Nonetheless, ancient documents do mention the existence of canals, reservoirs, gates, and machines for lifting water.1 The lifting wheel (“rotating wheel fitted with buckets”) is mentioned with a date that is perhaps 350 B. C. but impossible to confirm.[299] [300] Moreo...

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The sample-mean method

Подпись: G = Подпись: ҐЇ g(x) a [fx ( X) Подпись: fx(x) dx Подпись: for a < x < b Подпись: (6.58)

The sample-mean Monte Carlo integration is based on the idea that the com­putation of the integral by Eq. (6.49) alternatively can be carried out by

Подпись: G = E Подпись: g(X) ] fx (X)_ Подпись: (6.59)

in which fx(x) > 0 is a PDF defined over a < x < b. The transformed in­tegral given by Eq. (6.49) is equivalent to the computation of expectation of g(X)/fx (X), namely,

with X being a random variable having a PDF fx(x) defined over a < x < b. The estimation of E [g(X)/fx(X)] by the sample-mean Monte Carlo integration method is

Подпись:G _ 1 g(xi)

n fx (xi)

fx(x) dx – G[13] [14] [15]

Подпись: Var( G) Подпись: [bg( x)j2 a [fx ( x)_ Подпись: (6.61)

in which xi is the random variate generated according to fx(x), and n is the number of random variates produced. The sample estimator given by Eq. (6.60) has a variance

The sample-mean Monte Carlo integration algorithm can b...

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LIGHT, FAIRLY INEXPENSIVE, and easy to cut and Rigid-foam insulation gives you more flexibility install, rigid-foam insulation has a lot going for it. in meeting code requirements. Used in conjunction This insulation board comes in different thicknesses with high-density R-15 fiberglass batts in a 2×4 and sheet sizes. Depending on the manufacturer, wall, rigid foam can bring the R-value of a 2×4 wall it comes in shades of blue, green, and pink. A up to that of a 2×6 wall with standard R-19-rated Yz-in.-thick sheet is rated at R-3; a 1-in. sheet is fiberglass (without the expense of wider framing). If rated at R-5. you can afford it, adding rigid foam to the exterior

Exterior Use. Rigid foam is often used on build – of a 2×6 wall creates an even more energy-efficient ing exteriors...

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Construction-Related Problems

The laying of too cool a mixture may result in a course with a considerably large amount of air voids (see Section 11.6). That is an obvious matter; however, quite often the accelerated cooling of a mixture takes place in particular areas during its laying. Such places have been defined as having porosity of different types.

The figures in the sections that follow are photos taken with an infrared camera. The Fahrenheit scale of temperature has been placed on each of them. They show various causes of mixture cooling, followed by thermal differences resulting in poor quality.


FIGuRE 11.12 Distribution of asphalt mixture temperature after transport to the work site during discharge into the paver. (Photo courtesy of Kim A. Willoughby, WSDOT, United States.)

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Kitchen Lighting Basics

at the sink, position it at the base of the U, with the refrigerator on one side and the stove on the other. If one person preps food or washes while the other cooks, their paths won’t cross too often. If possible, place the sink beneath a window so the eye and the mind can roam.

L-shaped kitchens are popular because they allow various arrangements. That is, you can put a dining table or a kitchen island in the imagi­nary fourth corner. However, this becomes a somewhat less efficient setup if one leg of the L is too long. Again, position the sink in the middle.

Подпись: U-SHAPEПодпись: L-SHAPEimage626image627

Подпись: Single-line kitchens, common to small apartments, are workable if they're not longer than
Подпись: Kitchen Lighting should be a combination of natural light (windows), general lighting, and task lighting to illuminate specific work areas. For light that is both warm and efficient, combine incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. Warm fluorescent lights are another option. General lighting can come from overhead fixtures, recessed ceiling lights, track lighting, or perimeter lighting. Mount ceiling lights 10 in. to 12 in. out from cabinet faces to illumi-nate kitchen surfaces evenly, while minimizing shadows cast by wall cabinets or by people using the counter. For an average-size kitchen (75 sq. ft. to 100 sq. ft.), ceiling-mounted general lighting should total about 200 watts incandescent or 80 watts fluorescent; if there's recessed ceiling lighting, four 100-watt incan-descent bulbs should be enough. For larger kitchens, figure 2 watts of incandescent or 1 watt of fluorescent light per square foot of kitchen area. Task lighting over sinks and cooktops should be at least two 75-watt incandescent bulbs or two 30-watt fluorescent bulbs. Ideally, task lighting should be placed behind a face trim board of some kind, so that the bulbs shine more on the work surface than in one's eyes. To illuminate countertops, task lighting is often installed under wall cabinets, hidden by face board or a cabinet rail. Low-voltage halogen "puck" lights or slim-line fluorescent bulbs can be shielded by a face board that's only 11/ in. high. In general, under-cabinet lights should be two-thirds as long as the counter they illuminate.
Подпись: | Common Kitchen Layouts

Galley kitchens create efficient work triangles, but they can become hectic if there’s through traffic. If you close one end of the galley to stop traffic, the galley should be at least 4 ft...

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Подпись: Lacey, WashingtonEXAMPLES FROM THE DEMONSTRATION PROJECTSThe Park, developed and built by John Phillips, realized savings through changes in the storm drainage standards. The typical Lacey street is constructed with catch basins every 250 feet. Underground concrete pipes convey water from basins to a location off site. In addition, manholes are required at a spacing not to exceed 250 feet.

Phillips proposed a number of changes to Lacey standards. He received permission to replace curbs and gutters with a grassy swale along one side of the street and sloped the road surface toward the swale, a deviation from the typical crowned street. One catch basin drained into a retention pond, and another part of the site drained into an existing ditch.







$ 40,000



Type I catch ba...

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