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Working with Copper Water-Supply Pipe

This section focuses on installing rigid copper water pipe: It’s strong, easily worked, approved by virtually all codes, and represents nearly 90 percent of residential installations. That noted, you should also consider reading about PEX flexible tubing on p. 279.


If you divide fittings into a few categories, their many names start to make sense. Because they do similar things, supply-pipe and DWV fittings often share names.

Fittings join pipes. The simplest fitting is a cou­pling, which joins two straight lengths of pipe. A reducing coupling joins different size pipes. A repair coupling has no internal stop midway, so it can slide all the way onto a pipe, then slide back over a new piece of pipe inserted to repair a dam­aged section. A union is a coupling you can disconnect.

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Wood Flooring

Wood is a healthful choice for flooring pro­vided that the subflooring, adhesives (if used), and finishes are carefully chosen to be health­ful as well. In standard construction, unfin­ished wood floors are commonly nailed to a formaldehyde-emitting underlayment and then finished with solvent-based finishes that will outgas for many months. Noxious glues may also be used in the installation process.

There are several prefinished engineered flooring systems available that can be applied directly over concrete using a floating floor in­stallation method. When considering a pre­finished floor, order a dated sample, product literature, and an MSDS. Manufacturers will publish their underlayment requirements...

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If you’ll be adding or moving fixtures, you’ll need to install pipes, and that will require permits and planning. Start by assessing the condition of existing pipes (see Chapter 1), which you can connect to if they are in good shape. Create a scale drawing of proposed changes, assemble a materials list, and then ask a plumbing-supply store clerk or a plumber to review both. If you’re well organized, clerks at supply stores will usually be glad to help. However, if you need help understanding your existing system, hire a plumber to assess your system. He or she can also explain how to apply for a permit and which inspections will be required.


If you’re adding a bathroom, first consider the overall size of the room...

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Generation of Univariate Random Numbers for Some Distributions

This section briefly outlines efficient algorithms for generating random variates for some probability distributions commonly used in hydrosystems engineering and analysis.

6.1.2 Normal distribution

A normal random variable with a mean цx and standard deviation ox, denoted as X ~ N(p. x, ox), has a PDF given in Eq. (2.58). The relationship between X and the standardized normal variable Z is

X = ^x + OxZ (6.11)

in which Z is the standard normal random variable having a mean 0 and unit standard deviation, denoted as Z ~ N(0,1). Based on Eq. (6.11), normal ran­dom variates with a specified mean and standard deviation can be generated from standard normal variates. Herein, three simple algorithms for generating standard normal variates are described.

Box-Muller algorithm...

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Bridge railings are longitudinal barriers intended to prevent vehicles from running off the edge of a bridge. A metal post-and-rail system, a concrete safety shape, and various combinations have been used. Bridge railings are attached to the structure and designed to have minimal deflection under impact. The AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges require that bridge railings meet specific geometric criteria and resist specified loads without exceeding allowable stresses. However, the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications provide the most current design criteria, based on NCHRP Report 350...

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. Install the New Window with Expanders, Shims, and Screws

Different manufacturers have different details for securing and weather­sealing their windows. However, they all have a sill expander of some type at the top and bottom, and rely on screws to secure the frame to the jamb.


. Install the New Window with Expanders, Shims, and Screws

3. Partially driven screws secure the window for centering.


4. Mounting screws in the window frame are used for the final adjustment.


1. Install the bottom sill expander. Use a

Speed Square® to make a level reference line so that you can measure how much the sill slopes. Then use a utility knife to cut the bot­tom sill expander to fit snugly against the sill. Tap the expander into the window frame with the butt of a hammer handle.


1. The bottom sill expander is cut to fit against the sloping sill.


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cap +

2 IN. 2 IN.


this horizontal joint is best protected with A flashing made to fit over the sheathing and moisture BARRIER of THE framed wall.


wood cap with sloped top

p. t. furring screwed to underside of wood cap



trim fastened through siding to furring & WALL


moisture barrier continuous over top of wall










this detail has a continuous moisture

BARRIER oVER THE TOP oF THE WALL WITHouT penetrations. the moisture BARRIER MAy BE replaced with metal flashing.


WALL cAP see 1050












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Either roadside barriers or median barriers may be appropriate for sloped medians, depending on conditions. If a relatively flat median (slope of 1:10 or flatter) free of rigid objects is available, a median barrier can be placed at the center. When such desirable conditions are not available, some additional guidelines should be considered. Figure 6.36 shows three basic types of median sections. Section I (illustrations 1-3) represents a depressed median or one with a ditch; section II (illustrations 4-6) represents a stepped median or a median that separates traveled ways with significant differences in elevation; and section III (illustration 7) applies to a raised median.

Section I. Check to see if the slopes warrant a barrier...

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Different forces affect buildings in the various parts of the country. Builders have to worry about earthquakes in California, high winds in Florida, and snow loads in Colorado. It’s easier to understand the architect’s or engineer’s plans if you are aware of these factors. The following maps give you an idea of some of the areas of the country that suffer most from the effects of earthquakes, winds, and snow loads.

framing Details

The most common framing details can be broken down into three categories.

• Shear wall construction

• Diaphragm construction

• Connections

Each of these categories is covered in this section, including important points for framing.

Shear Wall Construction

The factors that affect the strength of any shear wall are:

• The size and type of material used for t...

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Frost and Thawing of Pavements with Frost Susceptible Soils

8.3.1 Frost Heave — Introduction

Frost heave occurs in roads having fine graded, so called frost susceptible material, at a depth to which the freezing front reaches during the winter. The frost heave typically causes an uneven road surface and results in reduced travelling speed and comfort. The main problem though usually arises upon thawing when ice lenses involved with the frost heave melt and result in high water content in the pavement. The increased water content often means reduced bearing capacity and spring-thaw load restrictions are imposed to avoid severe pavement deterioration.

Granular pavement layers normally show a substantial decrease in stiffness with increasing values of moisture...

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