The appearance of the chamber lock
The chamber lock, with two gates, is invented in the Song Dynasty at the end of the 10th century. In 983, a civil servant named Chiao Wei-Yo is in charge of transport in the Huai region. At this time barges were transferred from the canal to the Huai, at the northern extremity of the Shangyang traverse, by dragging them on an inclined ramp. This operation often damaged the heavily-loaded barges and their cargo. To remedy this difficulty, Chiao Wei-Yo conceived the concept of the chamber lock, the very first such device in the history of man:
“Chiao Wei-Ho therefore ordered the construction of two gates at the third dam along the west river. The distance between these two gates was a little more than 50 paces (75 m) and the entire space was covered with a large roof. […...
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