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Installing French Doors

Installing double doors requires more plumb and level readings, shim adjustments, and—above all—more patience than hanging a single door, but the procedure is much the same. So we’ll zip through the steps covered earlier to get to the heart of the matter. figuring out why the doors don’t meet perfectly in the middle and what to do about it.


► Measure the RO to make sure it’s big enough to install the door frame.

► Using a 6-ft. spirit level, see if the floor is level and the sides of the RO are plumb. Also check the walls on both sides of the RO for plumb. If the bottom of the opening is more than !/i in. out of level, correct the situation. French doors are wide and heavy and need to rest solidly on a level opening. Otherwise, they can rack and bind.


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Step 2-Spread Makeup

Usually, one member of the framing crew does all the cutting. This promotes an efficient workflow and ensures consistent cuts. The person doing all the cutting must work fast enough to stay ahead of the remaining members of the crew.








Bottom plate




Top plate










Step 2-Spread Makeup

Step 2-Spread Makeup

Подпись: Sill




Spread makeup: stud/trimmers, backers, corners, cripples, sills, beam pockets.

Step 2-Spread Makeup3: Spread studs 4: Nail headers to studs

5: Nail top plate to studs & headers

Подпись: Following the nailing patterns discussed in Chapter 2, the wall frame components can now be assembled. Pneumatic nailers reduce the amount of time required to perform this task. Step 2-Spread Makeup Подпись: Sill Step 2-Spread Makeup

6: Nail bottom plate to studs 7: Nail double plate to studs


Beam pocket

Spread remaining wall parts and nail.

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Shear and Shear Failure

Shear failure is much more difficult to envision than bending failure. In fact, with light frame construction, shear failure seldom comes into play, whereas it is an important consideration for heavy timber framing, particularly with a very heavy load such as an earth roof or a steam train.

Подпись: Fig. 2.8 a Left: White arrows indicate a heavy load on a beam supported by a post or wall. Horizontal arrows indicate compression (C) and tension (T) forces. The top of the beam is in compression and the bottom surface is in tension. The dotted line indicates the centroid or neutral axis. Fig. 2.8b Right: Shear failure occurs when adjacent layers of wood separate because of "sliding" forces (called "shear parallel to the grain”) taking place in the wood, which make the beam much less resistant to heavy loads. This sliding is caused by differentials in compression and tension forces between one layer of wood and the next. This type of failure occurs near the beam's support.One good way of explaining shear is to think of it as a combination of compression and tension stresses. Remember that the top surface of a beam is in compression, the bottom surface is in tension, and the centroid (middle part of the beam) is neutral (thus also called the neutral axis.) Fig. 2.8a shows the compression and tension forces at one end of a beam, where it is supported over a post or wall. The arrows show the compression and tension forces...

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Leveling a Doorsill

There are several ways to level an exterior doorsill. After you’ve installed a floor pan, place a spirit level across the bottom of the rough opening (RO) and insert pressure – treated wood shims under the tool till it reads level. Tack shims to plywood subfloor­ing to keep them from drifting, and then install the prehung door unit. If the subfloor is concrete, use construction adhesive to spot-tack the shims. Or you can place the door frame into an unlevel opening, use a flat bar to raise the low end of the frame sill, and insert shims under the sill till it’s level. To prevent flexing between shims, space shims every 12 in. beneath aluminum/combination or oak sills, or every 6 in. beneath sliding-door sills.

The problem with any of these solutions is that many sills—especially hollow al...

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Sadd el Kafara11: the first known large dam… and the story of its failure

In the IIIrd or IVth dynasty, about 2700 or 2600 BC, The Egyptians undertook the con­struction of a dam on an ephemeral tributary of the Nile, the wadi Garawi, some ten kilo­meters southeast of Memphis. This effort, coinciding with the period of construction of the great pyramids of Giza, is part of the development and improvement of the region around the capital. The remains of the dam are still visible today on both banks of the wadi, and were studied in 1982 by a Germano-Egyptian team.[97]

The dam comprises two rock faces with central core of random material. The upstream and downstream faces are protected by cut blocks forming steps of about 30 cm in height (Figure 3.3)...

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Zichner’s and DAV’s SMA versus 30-20-10 Rule

The 30-20-10 rule has more or less rigid proportions of gradation (expressed by

amounts passing through selected sieves). Zichner proposed the amount of coarse


Подпись:Подпись:Подпись: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Подпись:Подпись:image51a

FIGURE 6.9 An SMA mix of Example II, Stage 4, compared with the line of the 30-20-10 rule.

aggregates over a very wide range (65-80%), with a recommendation for 70-75%. His MASTIPHALT (SMA 0/12.5, mm) with 75% of grains larger than 2 mm has a gentle gap gradation with also more or less fixed proportions. There is no doubt that the 30-20-10 rule creates quite different mixtures than those created according to Zichner’s ideas. The other issue is with DAV’s proportions (Table 6.10) because these express the proportions between aggregates inside the coarse fraction...

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Replacing an Exterior Door

To replace an exterior door, first remove the interior and exterior casing to expose the door frame and the rough opening. Proceed carefully, minimizing damage to the siding and finish surfaces whenever possible. Exposing the rough opening enables you to measure it exactly and inspect for water damage or rot, which must be repaired before installing a new unit.

To remove casing without breaking it, use a flat bar to raise it slightly; then use a reciprocating saw with a metal-cutting blade to cut through the casing nails.

(Wear safety glasses.) Cutting nails is far easier on surrounding surfaces than prying alone. However, some casing can’t be removed without destroying it—stucco molding, for example.

In many older houses, the sill will be a 2-in...

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One of the most common devices for measuring suction is a tensiometer. A ten­siometer consists of a fine porous ceramic cup connected by a tube to a vacuum





Measurement range (kPa)

Equilibrium time







Laboratory and field

Axis translation techniques














Laboratory and field

Contact filter paper method



2-5 days

Laboratory and field

Non contact filter paper method



2-14 days

Laboratory and field

Table 3...

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Comparison of Results of Example II with the 30-20-10 rule of SMA Composition

According to the rule described in Section 6.2.2, proper stone-to-stone contact is created if the percentage of aggregate passing the 0.075 mm, 2.36 mm, and

4.75 mm sieves equals 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively. Table 6.11 shows the comparison between the achieved result of Stage 4 and ratios according to the 30-20-10 rule.

There are some noticeable differences. First, the 30-20-10 SMA should contain more aggregates larger than 2.36 mm (80%), whereas the relevant SMA of Example I was designed at only 75% on the 2.0 mm sieve. With regard to particles larger than

Recommended Ratios of SMA 0/11S according to German DAV Handbook Compared with the result of sMA design in example ii

TABLE 6.10

sMA coarse



recommended ratios within SMA coarse Aggregates’ Fraction Accor...

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Gamma distribution and variations

The gamma distribution is a versatile continuous distribution associated with a positive-valued random variable. The two-parameter gamma distribution has
a PDF defined as

f g(x | а, в) = 1 (x/в)а—1 ex/fl for x > 0 (2.72)


in which в > 0 and а > 0 are the parameters and Г(») is a gamma function defined as

ta-1e-t dt








The mean, variance, and skewness coefficient of a gamma random variable having a PDF as Eq. (2.72) are

gx = A.1 = ав = ав2 Yx = 2/ja (2.74)

In terms of L-moments, the second-order L-moment is

Подпись: (2.75)вГ(а + 0.5)

^2 = ,—r( s

Gamma distribution and variations


where f is the lower bound...

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