Рубрика: Water Engineering in Ancient Civilizations. 5,000 Years of History

Engineering projects developed in Greece by the Persians during the Median wars

Herodotus’ history of the Median wars is interesting for its representation of the first confrontation between the classical Greek world and the Orient. Certain elements of Herodotus’ writings show the technical and cultural abyss that separated the two civiliza­tions, both in their relationships to the sea and their practice of fluvial engineering. During the first […]

Water supply for Greek cities

Greek cities develop their water supply using local springs and aqueducts of terra-cotta conduits, following the centuries-old Cretan and Mycenaen traditions. These conduits are set underground, both for their protection and to accommodate irregular topography. They are assembled from interlocking pre-fabricated elements from 60 cm to 1 m long, and between 11 and 22 cm […]

Drainage and land improvement in the Mycenaen civilization

Many of the regions of Peloponnese or Attica are karsitic. Entire rivers disappear into abysses or caverns (called catavothres in Greek), only to reappear at some distant point. When the subterranean cavities fill up or are blocked, for example after earthquakes, water can accumulate in marshes and lakes, the water level varying from season to […]