Locating Trees and Other Plant Materials

Third, calculate the distance between ground and the bottom of the tree canopy. Photographs can also be taken during the process of site inventory if that occurs at another time. First, locate the center of the tree by triangulation. It is suggested that each noteworthy tree, shrub, or mass of plants be located even if there is no final determination about whether or not they will be incorporated into the proposed design. A shrub or shrub mass can be noted as S1, S2, and so on. Second, measure the diameter of the tree trunk by holding the tape measure near the tree (Figure 6-35). Figure 6-35
Measuring the diameter of a tree. Whenever photographs are taken, they can serve a number of purposes as discussed more thoroughly in the next chapter. Plantings near the house walls can be easily located with the baseline or direct measuring system, whereas shrubs located elsewhere on the site can be positioned with triangulation. Fourth, estimate the spread of the tree canopy by noting the drip line on the ground on opposite sides of the tree, and then measuring it with the tape measure (Figure 6-37). Because the end of the tape measure cannot actually be placed at the very center of the tree, the tape should be held on the side of the tree trunk in line with the tree’s center (Figure 6-34). For instance, the principal trees that are to remain on the Duncan site are labeled T1 through T9 (Figure 6-38). Figure 6-34
Example of locating a tree in relation to house corners. Trees are the most time consuming to locate and require five separate measurements. As with other site elements, existing trees and plants should be sketched on paper and identified with a special notation.

Updated: 30 октября, 2014 — 12:19 пп