Internal Subdivision

The specific type of arrow drawn can suggest, among other qualities, the intensity and character of the circulation. Primary circulation. Figure 8-18
A complex configuration can create several small spaces around the perimeter of the central space. In considering circulation, the designer should ask several questions. A side route around the house or a casual garden path are examples of secondary circulation. This type of edge could be created by a wall of glass or by the lack of a vertical plane. Should the circulation occur through the middle of the space, around the outside edges of the space, or in a direct line from the entry to the exit, or should it casually mean­der throughout the space? Semitransparent edges are those that can be partially seen through, such as a wood lattice, a louvered fence, a panel of smoked Plexiglas, or a loosely foli­ated hedge. Thus, the line drawn around a bubble in the functional diagram can be elaborated to suggest transparency characteristics. Transparency Transparency is the degree of opaqueness of a spatial edge, which in­fluences how well it can be seen. The designer should study alternatives for circulation and decide which is most compatible with the intended function of the space (Figure 8-24). Figure 8-24
Alternative ways for circulation to move through a space. In addition to access, the de­signer should also study and determine the most significant paths of movement through those spaces where continuous circulation is planned. Transparent edges are completely open, providing an unobstructed view into a desired area from the space. The same consideration is given to the planting areas, which can be divided into more specific plant types ac­cording to their size and type of foliage (Figure 8-21). Figure 8-23
Entry and exit points as well as through circulation should be shown on a functional diagram. 2. 1. Here the internal organization of an outdoor living and enter­taining space was subdivided into more specific use areas. This can be designated with simple dashed lines and arrows pointing in the direction of movement. Three types of transparency are (1) solid, (2) semi­transparent, and (3) transparent (Figure 8—22). The points of entry and exit can be located on the diagram by drawing simple arrows at the desired locations (Figure 8—23). Figure 8-21
The planting areas on a functional diagram can be subdivided into more specific plant types. This step gives the designer the opportunity to understand more clearly how each space is to function within itself. However, no shrubs or other small-scale plant materials are shown or studied individually until the preliminary de­sign phase is reached. In turn, spatial edges may have a va­riety of characters based on the transparency of the edge. 3. Solid edges are those that cannot be seen through, such as a stone wall, a wood fence, or a dense mass of evergreen trees. One example of this is pro­vided in Figure 8-20. C; Sunning Sfcfce
Figure 8-20
The spaces of a functional diagram can be subdivided into more specific functions. As indicated before, the graphic symbols used to represent circulation are dashed lines and arrows. 2. Edges
The outside edge around a space can be established in different ways. It may be de­fined by a change of materials on the ground plane, slopes or changes in elevation, plant materials, walls, fences, and/or buildings. This type of edge would be used where complete separation or privacy is desired. This type of circulation is of major importance and oc­curs with moderate to high frequency. This type of edge provides a sense of spatial enclosure while maintaining some degree of openness.

Updated: 30 октября, 2014 — 11:02 пп