Going Beyond Preconceived Ideas
A mental library of ideas available for future reference is developed by every designer through experience and exposure. Studying Alternatives
It is obvious that a designer will accumulate a substantial mental library of ideas over time as design experience is gained. without proper understanding of their location or intended function. Owing to the wealth of this stored visual informa­tion, it is common to have preconceived ideas for a design. Similarly, materials and their patterns are often drawn in too much detail

Figure 8-1
The spaces in a functional diagram should be drawn as freehand bubbles, not as exact forms. Novice designers frequently make the design look “real” as quickly as pos­sible. If they are not, they will be continually revealed in later phases of the design project. The importance of this phase cannot be overstressed. Once this is done, a better design solution usually emerges. We are not suggesting that these insights be ignored, but keep in mind that the preconceived idea is only one idea and it is just the first one. Thus, it is critical that decisions made during this step be sound ones. A design must first and foremost have a solid functional foundation. Functional diagrams are crucial to the design process because they can (1) establish a sound functional basis for the design solution, (2) encourage the designer to remain general about the appearance of the design, (3) encourage the designer to explore alter­natives, and (4) provide opportunities for the designer to go beyond preconceived ideas. The more detailed a plan is, the more time it takes to redraw it when changes need to be made. Studying alternatives during design phases will prove to be valuable for for­mulating new ideas. This insight can be exciting for a designer, but it should be handled sensitively so it will contribute pos­itively to a designer’s growth. Establishing a Sound Functional Basis
A functional diagram that has been carefully thought out will provide a proper basis for the remaining design phases. A designer should not accept the first idea without examining alternatives. Functional diagrams encourage the use of alternatives because of their quick and simple graphic character. For example, the edges of terraces, decks, walls, and planting beds are much too often given a highly defined form too quickly without sufficient thought toward the functions. Because changes are inevitable during the process of de­sign, being too specific too soon will result in time-consuming changes made in later design phases. Growth occurs when a designer tries new ideas. Sometimes these precon­ceived ideas are so strong that a solution can be imagined quite easily. Too often preconceived ideas are the only ones that are considered. Staying General
One of the most common faults of inexperienced designers is the inclination to begin a design project by drawing forms and design elements in the plan that are too specific (Figure 8—1).

Updated: 30 октября, 2014 — 8:35 пп