Again, an ornamental shrub is used near the sitting area as an accent. In Figure 11-108, plant materials and other elements reinforce the organiza­tion of the form composition in a number of locations. In the front yard, low ever­green shrubs and ground cover along the entry walk help to define this space and separate it from the lawn area, and ornamental shrubs have been placed next to the sitting area as accents. In the front yard, low shrubs, ornamental trees, and medium-sized trees have all been used to accent the curve of the arc on the ground plane. Using form composition as a foundation, spatial composition studies the grading of the ground plane, steps, walls, fences, plant materials, overhead struc­tures, and other architectural features that create outdoor space. Evergreen trees on the west side screen views from the neighbor’s second-story deck and block cold northwest winter winds. SUMMARY
Spatial composition addresses the third dimension of a residential site and creates the spatial shell of the design’s outdoor rooms. Eugene, OH 10548




sugar maple. The planting on the east side of the driveway provides balance to the front yard while incorporating the existing trees and screening views of the work/storage area. The thoughts for the preliminary design shown in Figure 11-109 are similar. In the backyard, the planting concept is very much like that depicted in Figure 11-108, except here it has been molded to the curve of the arc. After reviewing the three form composition studies prepared earlier in Chapter 10, the designer decided to develop two preliminary designs. The ornamental trees again serve as accents and are strategically placed at the apex of the curve, where they are most visible. As can be seen, the preliminary designs have essentially completed the spatial composition with the addition of plant materials, fences, and pavement. Fences immediately adjacent to these outside living spaces provide additional enclo­sure and privacy. In the backyard, the largest plants have been placed along the property lines for screening and spatial enclosure. You should now know the following about spatial composition:
• Definition and purposes for grading
• Guidelines for grading a site to ensure proper drainage, including standards for slope steepness next to the house and on pavement, lawn, and planting bed surfaces
• Guidelines for designing safe steps
• Concepts for creating outdoor space and screening views by shaping the ground plane
• General categories of plant materials designated on a preliminary design
• Architectural, aesthetic, and engineering uses of plant materials on a residential site
• Steps of the planting design process and the purpose of each
• Planting design guidelines, including those that ad­dress massing, layering, overall design character, sea­sonal change, type of plant material and their uses, texture, and ecological habitat
• Graphic guidelines for drawing plants in a prelimi­nary design
• Potential uses of walls and fences
• Effect of different heights and transparency of walls and fences on enclosure, views, and other uses
• Uses of overhead structures and how these vary with different heights and transparency
• Techniques for coordinating site structures with ar­chitectural features of the house

Updated: 1 ноября, 2014 — 3:34 дп