Design Process Overview

Later chapters explain many of these steps in greater detail. On the other hand, everyone uses decision-making processes similar to the design process with­out realizing it to solve problems or plan events on a day-to-day basis. Although the focus of this book is on the research and prepa­ration phase and the design phase of the process, an overview of all phases of the process is necessary. The designer uses this process from the beginning to the end of a design project as an organizational framework. It can be defined as a sequence of problem-solving and creative steps used by the designer to develop an appropriate design solution for a given client and site. What is being suggested here is that the designer use a sequence of steps in creating a design solution for a residen­tial site. A design process, in one form or another, should be followed each time a designer engages in a new project because it aids in the organization of information and thoughts and helps in the creation of a suitable design solution for the given circumstances. For the layperson, the idea of a design process may seem somewhat complex. DESIGN PROCESS
“What is a process?” A process may be defined as “a series of steps, actions, or opera­tions used in making something or bringing about a desired result: a manufacturing process.” Similarly, it is “a series of actions, changes, etc., by which something passes from one condition to another: a lake in the process of drying up.”[19] It can be seen that our world is filled with numerous processes. As can be seen, we all use numerous processes in our lives. This chapter identifies the im­portance of designing with a process and outlines the various steps involved. These steps usually include analyzing the situation, defining the problem, developing ideas for solving the problem, selecting the best alternative, and then implementing the idea. It allows the designer to obtain the right informa­tion at the right time and to use it in making decisions (Figure 4—1). Such activi­ties as getting dressed in the morning, buying a new car, cooking a meal, looking for a new place to live, or writing a paper all involve a series of steps that one must go through to solve the problem or complete the task at hand. INTRODUCTION
As suggested in Chapter 2, the residential site should be thought of as a series of out­door rooms where people arrive, socialize, entertain, relax, recreate, eat, and work. In fact, creating designs is not simple because design solutions don’t just happen by magic or fall out of thin air—although many people wish they did! Artificial processes include the manufacturing of a car, the sequence of events for for­mulating and passing a piece of legislation, the construction of a building, and the diagnosis of a medical ailment. A design process is similar. Second, the design process provides an orderly approach to solving problems at appropriate times

Figure 4-1
A design process can help organize thoughts and events. Again, all these processes involve a series of steps or events that lead to a change or product.

Updated: 29 октября, 2014 — 3:28 пп