Figure 15-30 Some of the color runs outside the outlines of the trees to give more of a freehand character. The two renderings in Figure 15-28 were also computer generated. Just as in hand-drawn rendering, the computer can be uti­lized to produce loose and freehand-like drawings, as well as more refined drawings that look more computer generated. Though they are rendered differently, both attend to the importance of contrast, consistency in texture, sun and shade, as well as changes of color to help identify different design elements. The rendering on the left uses a variety of techniques developed by changing the patterns of the brushes and the mixture of colors used for each design element. Then the applica­tion of the color is like painting with a roller. It is important to remember that color renderings will always have some labeling accompanying the drawing. SECTION DRAWINGS OF A VARIETY OF INDIVIDUAL TREES (FIGURE 15-29 AND 15-30)
Figures 15—29 and 15—30 each show 20 examples of section drawings of individual trees. Both renderings use colors from around the color wheel, which is different from the “analogous” schemes. This rendering took approximately one hour. Words and graphics work together for the benefit of understanding the drawing. The rendering on the right, which looks more refined and has less textural inter­est, is a strong contrast to the other.

Updated: 2 ноября, 2014 — 11:44 дп