While inspecting a chimney, you may find that it has no flue-tile lining or that existing tiles are cracked or broken and too inaccessible to replace. Because superheated gases can escape through gaps, such a chimney is unsafe to use. In this case, your options are: ► Seal up the chimney so it can’t be […]

About Chimney Fires

Chimney fires occur when imperfectly burned materials in wood smoke condense and stick to the inside of a chimney. The chief culprit in chimney fires is creosote, a sticky brown or black substance that may harden to resemble fragile glass. Incomplete combustion also produces tar, ammonia, methane, carbon monoxide, toluene, phenol, benzene, and eventually, turpentine, […]


Masonry chimneys are freestanding units that carry exhaust gases out of the house. To prevent superheated gases from escaping, chimneys should be tile lined and free from cracks or gaps, or they should have insulated stainless-steel flues. Annual inspections and maintenance are crucial to chimney health: If you discover mortar or flue tiles that are […]


Use the gentlest, least damaging cleaning agents, chemicals, steam cleaner, or water pressure that works. Determine this by testing on an inconspic­uous area. If the gentlest method doesn’t work, move to the next stronger. If mortar joints are eroded, a pressure washer may make them leak. After cleaning, allow the brickwork to dry for two […]


Even materials as durable as brick and mortar break down in time, most commonly near the top of a wall or chimney, where masonry is most exposed to the elements. Often, the struc­ture wasn’t capped or flashed properly. If the bricks are loose, remove them till you reach bricks that are solidly attached. If joints […]

Mortar Types

Mortar is usually classified according to its strength and weatherability: The table at right describes the correct proportions of ingredients for each. ► Type M has the highest compressive strength, at least 2,500 pounds per square inch (psi). This durable mix is recommended for load-bearing walls, masonry below grade, and masonry that is not reinforced […]

Working with Brick

Common brick-related repairs include repoint­ing mortar joints, repairing chimney tops, rebuilding chimneys and fireboxes, and cleaning bricks. You may also have to repair or add flash­ing where the chimney meets the roof, as shown in Chapter 5. Less common repairs include filling openings after the removal of doors or windows. If you want to create […]


Most of the tools listed in this section are hand tools. Chapter 3 describes impact drills, rotary hammers, and other useful power tools. Important: Wear goggles and a respirator mask when striking, grinding, or cutting masonry. Errant chunks of masonry can blind you, and masonry dust is not stuff you want to breathe. Trowels are […]


Modern masonry materials, including stone, brick, tile, concrete, and other minerals that become strong and durable when used in combination. The craft of masonry is ancient. The oldest surviving build­ings are stone, but stone is heavy and difficult to work with. Brick, on the other hand, is less durable than stone but lighter and easier […]