Studio OxL converts a carpenter’s workshop into a garage loft

Studio OxL converts a carpenter’s workshop into a garage loft
Posted by Erin on December 15th, 2014

Studio OxL were challenged to transform an old carpenter’s workshop into a daylight-filled loft that included a space for the clients electrical sportscar. The before photo

From the architects
Anybody who thinks that it is not possible to live, energy efficiently, in an old concealed workshop will be shown otherwise. The workshop could not be equipped with façade windows because it is flanked on all sides. We decided to park the electric sports car inside the living room. Energy efficiency was a very important issue. Securing a prime parking spot in the middle of the hip and crowded fashion district of Arnhem’s city centre. The 30 metre deep space is now bathed in daylight and has become a comfortable place to live in. This transforms the concept of a home loft into a garage loft. by a late 19th-century factory building. The design respects the old industrial doors and building structure, but isolates the inside from the rest of the building. It was important for the client to integrate his electrical sports car in the design and he asked us to introduce a large amount of daylight. The loft is located in Arnhem, a city in the eastern part of the Netherlands. A perfect concept that facilitates the experience of comfort in an environmentally friendly way.

Updated: 15 декабря, 2014 — 7:58 пп