Lenticularisis is a combined mirror and scent diffuser

It is made from a water-jet-cut glass mirror, adhered to an acrylic backing plate with vent holes. The mirror is mounted onto a water vessel containing an ultrasonic atomiser. Royal College of Art graduates Sasa Stucin and Nicholas Gardner have designed an oval mirror that emits a scented vapour cloud, partly obscuring the reflection as it perfumes the air. «We have experimented with air as a material, and methods of displaying amorphous and intangible substances,» the designers said. It is a replication of natural climatic movements, but skewed and manipulated into a tasteful furniture object.»

The cloud partially obscures the mirror, reducing its functionality. «The mirror uses a water atomiser to create an interior cloud. Like an open fire, it is mesmerising and hypnotic.»

Both recent Royal College of Art graduates, London-based Sasa Stucin and Nicholas Gardner’s work spans object design, art and photography. The designers intend the product, called Lenticularis, to be part functional mirror, part personal and room fragrancing device, and part moving artwork.

Updated: 2 ноября, 2014 — 5:53 дп