Domo Dom house by Tadeusz Lemanski arches up to face the sky

This allowed a boxy garage volume to be slotted in underneath. «At the same time, the house has to meet land development conditions that impose using gable roofs.»

Lemański’s   solution was to create a single-storey volume and abstract it, so the end angles up towards the sky. Ground floor plan –   click for larger imageFirst floor plan –   click for larger imageSection one –   click for larger imageSection two –   click for larger image Photography is by Tomasz Zakrzewski. Tadeusz Lemański designed the building – known as Domo Dom – for a single resident who was keen to have a garage in his home, despite local planning rules that tightly restricted the size and shape of the new structure. At the rear of the house, a wall of glazing allows the resident to open his living space out to an elevated terrace and a lawn. «In order to fulfil the development conditions, the bedroom was lifted to the loft and the garage was moved under it.»

The house is located in a suburban neighbourhood on the edge of Wolski Forest, west   Kraków. Related story: Jakub Szczęsny configures Podkowa House to fit around trees in a Polish forest»The main idea of the project was to design each room in the way that they do not lose anything from their functionality,» explained the architect. Two side windows are angled to match the slope of the staircase, which runs alongside the garage wall. It leads through to a compact hallway with a combined living room and kitchen to the left, a bathroom in front, and a staircase on the right that leads up to the first-floor bedroom. «Their shape underlines the dynamism of the building that rises in the same direction,» added   Lemański. To echo the materials used on the more traditional neighbouring structures, the architect specified grey sandstone and   black titanium-zinc panels for the exterior cladding. The front of this house in Kraków, Poland, is curved dramatically up towards the sky so that Polish architect Tadeusz Lemański could squeeze a garage underneath (+ slideshow).

Updated: 29 ноября, 2014 — 5:11 пп