Claesson Koivisto Rune refines the Champagne glass

Click for larger image»The stem and foot act as a physical and visual counterweight to the bowl,» said the designers. We know the champagne world is taking this design to its heart. «Refining and perfecting are your only available tools. Click for larger imageThis allows for the maximum amount of bubbles, which carry the scent, to reach the surface «without them getting bigger and less refined». Manufactured by Italian brand Italesse, the Richard Juhlin Optimum glass was launched at Chateau Les Crayères in France’s Champagne region earlier this week. Click for larger imageDesigned to accommodate four fingers along its length, the stem is manufactured to be as thin as possible. The curve of the bowl, from the stem to its widest circumference, is shaped to reduce the amount of liquid volume at the bottom of the glass while maximising the proportion of the Champagne exposed to the air. Stockholm studio Claesson Koivisto Rune has teamed up with a Champagne expert to design a version of the classic glass flute. The aroma is intended to rise from the liquid in the widened lower portion and collect below the rim, which is smaller in diameter than traditional flutes.

Updated: 23 ноября, 2014 — 7:29 пп