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Construction specifications are the detailed written instructions that support architec­tural drawings. Together, the “specs” and the drawings comprise the construction docu­ments. The drawings explain the physical lay­out and appearance of the building, how it will be structured, and the choice of general construction materials. Specifications con­tain instructions that cannot be shown easily on the drawings. They indicate how materials are to be handled and installed, and prescribe brand names of products and performance re­quirements. Detailed specifications are not of­ten included in the documents for residential construction. However, if you want to build a healthy home, detailed specifications are es­sential because many standard practices and materials are unacceptable...

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Safely on the Job USING DRILLS

OLD DRILLS WERE MADE with enclosed trigger guards like those on firearms. Carpenters sometimes had their trigger fingers caught and broken from time to time, such as when a drill bit got hung up on a knot in a board and spun suddenly. For safety reasons, workers often used a hacksaw to cut out the trigger guards. These days, manufacturers have eliminated trigger guards, but that doesn’t mean drills can’t do you harm. To use a drill safely, follow these guidelines:

^ Use clean, sharp bits.

a Don’t force the drill; let it cut at its own pace.

a Use a slower speed when drilling harder mate­rials, and coat the bit with wax or silicone to reduce resistance.

a When drilling thick material, hold the drill with both hands, and Lse the side handle if the drill comes with one.

Safely on the Job USING DRILLS

a If you’re d...

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Nail Fascia & Bargeboard

Two nails at 24" O. C.

Подпись: Bargeboard (rake) • 1" fascia - use 8d galvanized box nails ■ 2" fascia - use 16d galvanized box nails Nail Fascia & Bargeboard


Framers (and the eventual homeowner) like to have the roof installed as soon as possible. The roofing provides a dry workspace and protects all the installed framing from the weather. Be careful not to leave hammer head marks in the fascia, since it is a finish product.

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Porosity is defined as the space inside a rock or sediment (soil), consisting of pores. The total volume of pores is defined as the total porosity. For water, only those pores that are interconnected are important. The interconnected part of the pore system is defined as the effective porosity. The porosity can be described as a three phase system comprising solids, water (liquid) and air (gas), see Fig. 2.5.

The definition of porosity, и, of an aggregate skeleton is the ratio of volume of voids and its bulk volume or:

n = V (m3/m3) (2.6)

Porosity Подпись: ♦ Va І t

Void ratio, e, is, on the other hand, defined as the ratio of the same volume of voids but now over its aggregate volume or:

The porosity represents the total amount in a unit volume that can be filled with wa­ter...

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Further Reading

Anderson, Nina et al. Your Health and Your House. Keats Publishing, 1995. A resource guide to health symptoms and the indoor air pollutants that aggravate them.

Banta, John. Extreme Weather Hits Home: Protecting Your Buildings from Climate Change. New So­ciety Publishers, 2007. Discusses measures that can be taken to prevent or lessen the effects of climate change on your home.

Bower, John. Healthy House Building: A Design and Construction Guide. Healthy House Institute, 1993. Step-by-step guide illustrating the authors construction of a model healthy house.

Bower, John. The Healthy House: How to Buy One, How to Build One, How to Cure a Sick One. 4th ed., Healthy House Institute, 2000. Describes in great depth a three-step approach consisting of elimination, isolation, and ventilation...

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Porous Media

Roads and embankments are made up by a finite number of layers. They can be considered as porous media that consist of aggregates or granular materials and soils through which fluid can flow. The road layer can appear either unbound or stabilized with bitumen or cement to increase their strength. In roads, most surface layers have very low permeability properties and can often be treated as impervious, at least in roads in good conditions. Usually, all others layers are permeable. The fluid flow behaviour of the different layers is strongly dependent on their particle size distribution and pore space openings.

2.4.1 Grain Size Distribution

The grain size distribution of unbound aggregates or soils is determined by either sieving or by the rate of settlement in an aqueous suspension...

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The question of the long navigation canal (the nahr Daourin)

Another project in the Mari region has left us with considerable evidence of its existence. This is the canal whose traces today are called nahr Daourin, with a width of 8 to 11 m, and a reconstituted length of some 120 km. Rising at Khabur, it joins the Euphrates downstream of Mari on the left bank, cutting into the cliffs in places (Figures 2.11 and 2.12). The canal has a fairly regular slope of about 0.2 m/km, though it is somewhat flat­ter in its upstream portions (0.12 m/km).[66] [67]

The letter of Yaqqim-Addu, from which we have cited extracts earlier, mentions the existence of a canal issuing from Khabur at Saggaratum, at the beginning of the IInd mil­lennium BC. This canal irrigates the Mari district on the left bank of the Euphrates, and is very likely the nahr Daourin...

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Fragrant Fumes

In 1996 E. B. was a 58-year-old man with a ten-year history of chronic sinus congestion, hoarseness, and headaches. By the time he consulted with Dr. Elliott, he had tried many forms of treatment, in­cluding nasal surgery, frequent courses of antibi­otics, decongestants, and steroid nasal drops. After removing dairy products from his diet, he noticed only a partial improvement in the congestion. Dr. Elliott then suggested that he try eliminating all scented products from his body, including deter­gents, soaps, and colognes. Through a process of trial and error, E. B. discovered that his aftershave lotion was a significant cause of his symptoms. His voice has now returned to itsformer resonance and he is without headaches and sinus congestion.


Manufacturers of fragranced produ...

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2.2.1 Design Controls

Once a route has been selected for a new highway, or a decision has been made to perform major work on an existing facility, the next step is to establish the design controls. The various factors considered for design controls may be generally grouped into five categories: functional classification, traffic data, terrain, locale, and design speed.

Functional classification is a way of grouping roadways together by the character of service they provide. The initial division is between urban and rural roadways. The urban classification may be defined differently in various parts of the country, but one definition is incorporated areas having a population of 5000 or more (Ref. 1). Rural areas are those areas outside of urban areas.

Each of these may be further subdivided...

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Detail Design Phase

During the detail design phase, various design elements are finalized and construction plans are developed. Project development in this phase can include many intermediate reviews prior to final plan submission. These may include some or all of the follow­ing, depending on the complexity of the plan:

Traffic request/validation Traffic signal warrant analysis Airway-highway clearance study Alignment, grade, and typical section review Conceptual maintenance of traffic review Structure type study Retaining wall justification Service road justification Preliminary drainage review Preliminary right-of-way review Bridge type, size, and location study Drive review

Detail Design Phase

FIGURE 2.1 Example of map used in study of alternate routes showing four possible corridors...

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