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Plumbing Tools

A level is the traditional tool for determining plumb. A laser can also be used. Whichever tool you use, you want to make sure you check it for true before you start. To check a level, hold it in position against a wall and read the bubble. Then turn it around and place it in the same position against the wall. If the bubble reads the same, then your level is accurate.

To check a laser use a similar method. Set it in place, and mark the bottom dot and the top dot. Then turn it around and align the bottom dot. If the top dot hits the same spot on the top of the wall that you marked, your laser is reading accurately.

Levels are accurate when the level is long enough to reach from the bottom plate to the top plate. An 8′ level will work fine for most residential walls...

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Before installing window units, remove the packaging, shipping blocks, screens, storm windows, and so on. If the unit is uncased, screw temporary cleats to the outside edges of the frame so that when it is placed in the opening, its jamb edges will be flush to the sheathing. Window installation is a two-person job—one inside, one outside.

1. Dry – fit the window first.

Set the bottom of unit onto the RO sill and tilt the window up into place. There should be roughly h in. of space on both sides of the unit and h in. to 1 in. above. Using a spirit level, the person outside quickly checks for level and plumb. If there are no glar­ing problems, set the unit aside and caulk around the opening.

2. Caulking details will vary. For most pre­cased or flanged units, apply a continuous 18-in...

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Pavement Deterioration

Pavement deterioration or distress can be classified into two basic categories for all pave­ment types—structural and functional. The most serious category is structural. Structural deterioration results in reduced ability to carry load and a decreased pavement life. Functional deterioration can lead to and accelerate structural deterioration, but it is only related to ride quality and frictional characteristics. A third type is environmental deterioration, which is a form of material-related distress. Environmental deterioration affects pavement materials and will generally exhibit itself as either functional or structural deterioration.

Pavement Deterioration

log10 MR – 8.07


+ 2.32


Подпись: Reliability, R (%)

Pavement Deterioration

S0 = 0.35 MR = 5000 lb/in2 Д (lb/in2) 1.9 Solution: SN = 5.0


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Installing a Basic Window

Some of the terminology for doors and door frames is common to windows and window frames. For example, frames are made of jambs, a head, and a sill, with stops to guide or seat win­dow sashes. Window sashes, like door frames, have horizontal rails and vertical stiles.


Windows arrive installed in a preassembled frame, complete with the hardware necessary to operate them. Unlike door installation, there is no need to trim window jambs, so the sill is always preattached. You can order windows pre­cased (casing preattached), but such units can be tricky to shim properly...

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Project-level pavement management is responsible for continuous evaluation of pave­ment’s present serviceability, monitoring of the pavement loading rate, determination of the cause and rate of pavement deterioration, prediction of optimal time for inter­vention, and evaluation of the most economical rehabilitation strategy.

Pavement management can be applied at the project level or at the network level. Although both levels are very dependent upon one another, they are seldom applied for the same purpose. The network level applies to the whole system in a global sense. Network refers to systemwide averages and is used for system budgeting and performance modeling. This chapter addresses only the project-level aspects...

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Framing lumber can be heavy. A 2×4 stud isn’t a big deal, but a wet, 16-ft. 2×12 sure is—and there are many boards of that heft even in a small house. Don’t carry lumber by holding the board at your waist; this puts undue strain on your elbows and lower back. Instead, grab a long, heavy board at its balance point and, in one fluid motion, lift and flip it gently onto your shoulder. With your entire body helping absorb and distribute the weight, the load is much easier to carry.

Подпись: V ,

Another way to mark the plate is by creating indents of the bolts on the plate. Place the plate over the bolts and apply pressure. [Photo by Don Charles Blom]


Mark the sill plate on the slab with a bolt marker.

[Photo by Don Charles Blom]


Solidly brace the plate while drilli...

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Д (Ib/in2) 4.5- 1.5

1.624* 107



s’c* cd (d0-75- і. ізг|



+ (4.22- O.32pt)*log10


215.63 *J P0J5-


Подпись: 267
Подпись: (D+ 1)8 S'c = 650 Ib/in2 J =3.2 Cd= 1.0 Д (Ib/in2) = 4.2-2.5= 1.7 W18 = 5.1 x 106 (18-kip ESAL) Solution: D = 10.0 in.

(nearest half-inch, from part b )

FIGURE 3.15 Design chart for rigid pavements based on using mean values for each input variable. Conversions: 1 lb/in2 = 6.895 X 10-3 MPa, 1 lb/in3 = 271.4 X 10-4 N/mm2, 1 in = 25.4 mm. (From Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D. C., 1993, with permission)

Подпись: LПодпись: FIGURE 3.15Подпись: (Continued)FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DESIGN PROCEDURE



















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Concrete Curing

After pouring, concrete can cure and gain strength only if it remains nearly saturated with water for a minimum of 28 days. The cur­ing process stops if the relative humidity of the concrete drops below 80 percent Improp­erly cured concrete will develop structural weaknesses and cracks that can become path­ways for unwanted moisture and soil gases to creep into the building. Rushing the drying process may also weaken the surface so that concrete dust continually sloughs from the surface into the home. Pouring slabs in cold weather is also risky since cold temperatures impede the curing process. The use of propane heaters may cause the concrete surface to be­come weak and crack as combustion gases en­ter the material and interfere with its chemical composition.

Improperly cured concret...

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Determine dimensions for stud length and header height

Stud length, header height, and other‘‘stan­dard” dimensions vary somewhat from region to region. Find out what is standard in vour area. Out West, where Fm accustomed to framing, we use a stud that is 924 n. long.

I leaders for doors and windows are usually held 6 ft. 10 in. off the subfloor. Check the height in your region, though—in some places, the standard is 6 IT. 104 in. Headers for pockel doors and closet bifold doors may need to be higher to allow room for an over­head track.

Door and window sizes are noted on the plans with designations such as 3/0 x 6/8 (36 in. by 80 in.) or 5/0 x 4/0 (60 in. by 48 in.). Carpenters will say, “There’s a thrcc-oh by six-eight door…” or “We’ve got a five-oil by fbur-oh window going in this wall...

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Portable sanders

Any carpenter who builds something that will be exposed to view probably has some type of portable sander. I own three: a belt sander, a pad sander (see the photo on p. 57), and a random – orbit sander.

A belt sander is useful for heavy, rough jobs like sanding down a cutting board that needs to be refinished. It can remove a lot of stock rapidly, so use this tool with care. Common belt sizes range from 3 in. by 18 in. to 4 in. by 24 in.

(The small number refers to the width of the belt, while the large number indi­cates the length of the loop.)

My pad sander (also called a finish sander) has a base pad to which the sandpaper is attached and is powerful

Portable sanders Portable sanders

enough to remove substantial stock when fitted with coarse-grit sandpaper...

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