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Rafters that are not supported at the top or somewhere along the span by a beam create an outward force on the wall they rest on. This force is frequently offset by ceiling joists joining the walls on the opposite side of the roof.

The chart below shows a common size of ceiling joist needed for different spans.

Ceiling Joist Span Chart

24” O. C. 20 PSF uninhabitable

Species & Grade Maximum Ceiling Joist Spans

2 x 4

2 x 6

2 x 8

Douglas Fir-Larch # 1




Douglas Fir-Larch # 2




Douglas Fir-Larch # 3




Hem-Fir # 1




Hem-Fir # 2




Hem-Fir # 3




Southern Pine # 1




Southern Pine # 2

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The Radioactive Countertop

John Banta was called to the home of a woman who was employed as a cook by the television in­dustry. Her task was to create samples of the same recipe in various stages of preparation, from raw ingredients to oven-ready mixtures to finished product. The prepared foods were then delivered to the television studio so a celebrity on a culinary arts program could demonstrate the recipe.

During the investigation, John discovered that his client was being exposed to an unex­pected occupational hazard. The orange-colored tile used for her counter was glazed with uranium

products for interior finishes and cabine­try (see Resource List for products)

• Medex or Medite II: A medium density fi – berboard manufactured without formal­dehyde


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Use the gentlest, least damaging cleaning agents, chemicals, steam cleaner, or water pressure that works. Determine this by testing on an inconspic­uous area. If the gentlest method doesn’t work, move to the next stronger. If mortar joints are eroded, a pressure washer may make them leak. After cleaning, allow the brickwork to dry for two days or three days; then caulk gaps around doors and windows and replace worn flashing. Safety note: Whatever cleaning method you choose, wear a face shield, rubber gloves, protective clothing, and a respirator mask before you begin.

Cleaning brick surfaces. Get bids on hiring an authorized cleaning service...

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Archimedes, and the first theoretical formulations of fluid mechanics

Archimedes (287 – 212 BC) was born at Syracuse, in Sicily. In all probability, he spent time in Alexandria where he studied geometry with the followers of Euclid. Though Archimedes belonged to the mathematical School, it would have been quite natural and possible for him to see the inventions of Ctesibios during his stay. Upon his return to Syracuse, he continued to correspond with the scholars of Alexandria, in particular with the mathematician Conon of Samos, and with the director of the Library, Eratosthene.11 This justifies the association of Archimedes’ work with the school of Alexandria.

First and foremost a mathematician, Archimedes was interested in the problem of buoyancy of bodies of arbitrary shape...

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To get top plates straight

The bottom plates of your walls are straight because they’ve been nailed to chalklines. The top plates should be fairly straight if you used straight stock when plating. But walls can deviate from straight at the top plate, and that’s where we need to check them. The easi­est way to line a wall is to hop up on a ladder and look down the top plate to see if it’s straight. A lot of carpentry is done by eye.

Learn to trust vour eve. If something looks

* 4 C7

good, it is good. On long walls, it may be best to stretch a line (string) the length of the wall, as shown in the top photo at right. Nail a 2x block to each end of the wall and stretch the line tightly from one block to the other. Using another scrap of 2x as a gauge, slide it along the wall and check for a consistent 1 i^-in...

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Summary and Comments on Draindown Testing

The methods of draindown testing described in this chapter differ in details. Table 8.4 shows the most important differences among them. Table 8.5 depicts commonly adopted assessment criteria of draindown testing results.

The following remarks deserve mention: [50]


Drain-Off Test Parameters for Schellenberg’s Method according to EN 12697-18

Подпись: Number of samples Test temperature Подпись: Sample weight Подпись: Test time duration Test procedure Test three samples of the same mix with the same binder content.

Test temperatures depend on the binder type:

1. For road binder—at the production temperature of a mix defined according to EN 12697-35 and raised by 25°C

2. For modified binder—at the production temperature of a mix defined by the binder supplier and raised by 15°C

• Mass of an aggregate mix sample—1000 g for a mix with the density of 2.65-2.75 g/cm3

• If the density o...

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In the road context, adsorption/desorption phenomena greatly influence the fate of pollutants entering the road construction, present therein or transported through road-construction layers and further down. Sorption phenomena are also of importance regarding pollutants possibly leached (dissolved) from some road ma­terials (e. g. alternative materials) under the effect of infiltration, and adsorbed on a surface downstream. Sorption/desorption sequences (under the effect of surface characteristics and seepage pH, for example) can lead to a progressive downward transfer of substances.

Adsorption can be defined as the attachment or adhesion of a molecule or an ion in the gaseous or liquid phase to the surface of another substance (an adsorbent) in the solid phase or to the surface of a soil...

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Channel Realignment

At times it will be advantageous or necessary to realign or change the hydraulic char­acteristics of the channel. Reasons for altering the channel include improving culvert alignment, protecting roadways from erosion damage, reducing maintenance require­ments, and eliminating hydraulic structures where the roadway recrosses the channel.

Plans for channel modifications must include a determination of what effect the change will have on the stream and the surrounding environment. Long – and short-term effects must be considered. The impact on the stream of the realignment or change in slope will vary from one site to another. At some sites, minor changes will have signifi­cant impacts, while at others the opposite may be true...

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As the name implies, open-channel flow is concerned with the conveyance of water with a free surface. This article primarily concerns lined and unlined channels such as encountered along roadways in highway design.

5.2.1 General Considerations

The parameters to consider in choice of channel cross-section include hydraulics, safety, maintenance, economics, and the environment. These considerations are usually so inter­dependent that optimizing one can have detrimental effects on the others. The hydraulic engineer’s objective is to achieve a reasonable balance among the competing criteria.

Safety is always of primary concern to the highway engineer...

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Medium Density Fiberboards

Medium density fiberboard (MDF) is sheet – good material used for interior nonstruc­tural applications such as cabinetry boxes and shelving. Traditionally, MDF has been bound with urea-formaldehyde-based glues, making their use unacceptable in a healthy house. The following products are formaldehyde-free and may be available laminated with plastics or hardwood veneers:

• Arreis: Scientific Certification System cer­tified medium density fiberboard with no formaldehyde added in the manufacturing process

• Glacier Clear: Scientific Certification Sys­tem certified medium density fiberboard

with no formaldehyde added in the manu­facturing process

• Medex or Medite II: Scientific Certifica­tion System certified medium density fi­berboard manufactured without formal­dehyde

• Wheatboa...

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