Whiteburn MD John Shepherd said: “The main option is for residential use for a young, urban population. A planning application to that end is due to be submitted shortly for a mixed use development of the former Dundee College, turning the Constitution Road complex into apartments alongside commercial, retail, hotel and leisure uses. | Send to friend
November 10 2014
Whiteburn Projects have revealed their intent behind the former Dundee College, Campus, Constitution Road, proposing a change in use from education to residential, since being bought at auction back in April. Keppie Design has been brought on board to retain the existing structure which will be reused and adapted to accommodate the change in use. We plan to use the existing building to its best extent and then weave in other facilities like workspaces, bars and restaurants.”
A public exhibition will outline the developer’s intent for the site ahead of a public exhibition in St Mary Magdalene’s, Dundee, on 11 December.