A Woodworker’s Wonderful Studio in Downtown LA — Creative Workspace Tour

And thanks to Rebecca Buenik for styling our shoot! I had to call for a bunch of dudes to help me pick it up off the ground. There were a few times that I thought I had missed out on a great deal, only to find a better deal the next week. Updated daily with fresh tours full of photos for you to pin enjoy! After I got the space ready, I was on Craigslist and eBay every day for months, searching for quality machines and tools. • Interested in sharing your home with Apartment Therapy? What Friends Say: The guys who work in my building say it’s a “girly shop,” but I take that as a compliment. But I also knew I would be spending a lot of time there and I wanted it to be a place where I could feel inspired to create. Open Workspace Tour

Resources of Note:
The pink is Lotus Blossom from Glidden. I walk and bike a lot, which I think makes for a different experience and shows me a different perspective. Downtown is a constantly changing and evolving place, which I think helps me push my boundaries and keep things fresh.»

Open Workspace Tour

Apartment Therapy Survey:

My Style: Minimal industrial chic?? Having only 500 sq ft to work with presented an organization challenge, which the cabinet solves. «I am surrounded by new art all the time and it’s always inspiring me to create new things. Biggest Indulgence: I don’t think I indulged on anything. Favorite Element: I’m so grateful to be surrounded by other artists and makers. There is always someone around to help problem solve, give an opinion, or just to chat with on a break. The green is custom color taken from vintage wallpaper. Along the way, as I worked, I built the storage that I needed and changed the floor plan to suit my workflow. Boyce of Few BitsLocation: Artist District; Downtown Los Angeles, CaliforniaSize: 500 square feetYears lived in: 1 year; Rent

Hailing from the Midwest, this LA transplant has found her love for woodworking creating incredible planters, lighting fixtures and furniture. Haha I don’t know. Proudest DIY: The big Hickory cabinet in the middle of my shop. (Photography: Bethany Nauert)

• HOUSE TOUR ARCHIVE: Check out past house tours here. It totally changed how I work and how clean my shop is. Open Workspace Tour

Open Workspace Tour

C.C. All that was provided to me were 4 ugly sheetrock walls. believes that what makes her space significant is that all the elements work together all the time. Best Advice: My wood shop teacher and mentor, Jack Selph, told me to be patient when buying machinery, not to jump at the first thing I saw. Biggest Embarrassment: When I tried to move a 600 lb. Everything in there is pretty necessary. I decided to make a separate space for my desk and an area for objects that I have collected from other artists whom I admire. That dusty pink has always been my favorite color, so I painted the accent wall of the “studio” area that color. ARTISTS
Mini star Piñata by Roberto Benavidez
Postcards from Lisbet Bussche
Prints by Cathy McMurray
There are a couple other postcards, I’ll get back to you with more names. «I built all my storage as needed, as I went along. • Are you a designer/architect/decorator interested in sharing a residential project with Apartment Therapy readers? Nothing beats a cold beer after a day of woodworking. I think I would go crazy if I had a workshop by myself somewhere with no one to talk to. Dream Sources: I love to get pieces from other artists and have them in my view. OTHER

Chair in front of the desk is thrifted
Wall assemblage is made from leftover plywood scraps

Open Workspace Tour

Thanks, C.C! Organization is the key essential element in designing any workspace: «The wood shop can get real messy real fast if there isn’t a space to put everything away,» she says. Mudding, taping, priming and painting those 10-foot walls by myself was a ton of work and took forever, but I knew it was going to be worth it.

Updated: 20 ноября, 2014 — 2:29 пп