5 Ways to Insulate Your Windows for Winter

Cons: Gives windows a cloudy, shrink-wrapped look. You can make one by sewing a tube of fabric to fit the width of your window and filling it with dried rice. More Good Info:

Reader Intelligence Report: Tips for Making Windows Warmer for Winter
How To: Stay Warm at Home Without Much Heat
Insulating Windows With Curtains

Republished from a post originally published 12.03.2007 — JL

(Image credits: Muffet on Flickr under CC BY 2.0; Amazon; Amazon; Amazon; Restoration Hardware; Lotta Jansdotter’s Simple Sewing) Image and pattern for draft snake via Lotta Jansdotter’s Simple Sewing. 5. While looking into the best way to insulate our drafty windows this winter (apart from replacing them), we put together this mini-guide of solutions we found so far, including the pros and cons of everything from layered curtains to shrink-wrap film. Pros: Looks good, can be matched to your home decor. Draft Snakes: Draft snakes are fabric tubes placed on a window sill or under a door to prevent cold air from creeping in. Layered Curtains: Use heavy fabrics or layered curtains over the windows to keep out drafts. Pros: They let in light and can be custom-fitted for doors and windows.Cons: They can be expensive and may not insulate as much as heavier curtains. 4. Cons: It only insulates the window sill, not the glass or frame. Pros: Cheap, effective, minimal alterations to appearance of windows.Cons: When you peel away the rubber strips, they can damage paint or leave a sticky residue. Cellular Shades: Cellular Shades insulate while still letting in light through the windows. 1. 2. Kits usually include plastic shrink film that is applied to the indoor window frame with double-stick tape, then heated with a hair dryer to shrink the film and remove any wrinkles. We found a good set of step-by-step instructions for installation here.

Updated: 22 ноября, 2014 — 2:55 дп