Starting a design project

There will often be elements of group work and cooperation at this point to accelerate the group’s knowledge and understanding at a time when much research is needed. Different ideas need to be explored and tested out. The brief is normally designed to allow students to develop their own interests and build upon those of the tutor. ‘There are two ingredients when one is starting any project. A typical design studio project begins with a research, experimentation and analysis phase to understand the problems set by the brief: surveying the site, sketching, interviewing clients and users, mapping and analysing the site. The project may be real, based on reality or entirely imagined. Tutors often assist with the generation and direction of ideas by running design workshops, group tutorials and pin-ups for discussion of ideas, as well as lectures and building visits. One is an understanding of the brief and one is an understanding of the site.

Updated: 28 октября, 2014 — 7:14 дп