Dann Jessen

With public realm clients the paying client is not necessarily the one who’s going to use the project, who has most ambitions for it, who will live with it. If you can actually push up against the boundary and think beyond that, then that influences the centre. It’s in our mindset that people outside the red line are also part of the client group and that influences what we can do inside the red line. Clients, users and brief

The design project

Project: Woolwich Development Framework Location: London, UK Architect: East Date: 2003
Development framework study. Because we have the mindset that the client group can be big and multi-headed and ambitious, that means that we are not afraid of looking outside the red line site boundary. It involves several people sitting around a table drawing, talking and making notes on the same piece of paper, to record everything they know about a project.

Updated: 29 октября, 2014 — 9:55 дп