Рубрика: Water Engineering in Ancient Civilizations. 5,000 Years of History

Hydraulics of the kingdom of Mari, on the middle Euphrates (IIIrd and IInd millennia BC)

About 2800 or 2900 BC, the Sumerians — or perhaps a people already established some­what to the north at Terqa — founded Mari, on the middle course of the Euphrates. The site is at the intersection of routes to the Syrian coast, near the outlet of the fertile valley of Khabur. This is not a […]

Between the Middle Euphrates and the Syrian coast: dams and canals from the IVth to the IInd millennium BC

The mysteries of Jawa: the oldest known dams, on the slopes of Kjebel Druze (Djebel el Arab) — end of the IVth millennium BC The site of Jawa, a hundred kilometers to the northeast of Amman in Jordan, is an enig­ma. It is an arid zone, in a desert of rough black basalt. The only […]

River engineering and flood protection

Hydraulic development involved not only the digging of canals, but also the restoration or maintenance of river courses. During the domination of Larsa in lower Mesopotamia (1932 to 1763 BC), it became necessary to rehabilitate the river system. The king Sin — Iddinam reestablishes the course of the Tigris, around 1845 BC, using paid labor: […]

Navigation between the Tigris and Euphrates

The importance of navigable waterways to the economy of Mesopotamia cannot be overestimated. The code of Hammurabi, from which we have already cited several extracts, includes laws that regulate navigation on the rivers and canals. It sets compen­satory payments for shipwrecks or breakdowns, and establishes right-of-way rules: “If a boat traveling upstream collides with and […]