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Bath with frills

Perhaps, all technical development known for today concerning comfortable аква massage in house criteria, held in this subject, about which conversation in given announcements will go. The brand new model of a hydromassage bath of Sharp Extra from the Italian read more

Exhibition with a bias in AQUA

At first September (04.09 – 07.09) the current year in Atakent exhibition complex to Almaty (Kazakhstan) the largest will pass in Central Asia kazhdogodny the specialist the Aqua-Therm Almaty exhibition. The main sections of the Aqua-Therm Almaty 2012 exhibition read more

On though what taste

What requirements are usually shown to kitchen mixers? At first it, naturally, convenience, functionality and reliability. But not on the last place there is also a nice external shape, after all in kitchen we use the mixer in times more often, than in a read more

Types of mixers

Usually, in the apartment or the personal house we are established mixers of the 2nd types (on ordering) – for a sink or a sink and for a bath. The mixer for a sink has only one having given vent for water – bottom or top. Such mixers are created for washing read more

And again about pumps

The title of this company being the leading producer of the pump equipment in the world, povsevremenno at all very famous. It is logical, after all in our news information on the next novelties, and similar fertility often slips it is possible read more





Подпись: 4 x 4 PRESSURE-TREATED RISER ATTACHED AT ENDS TO CONCRETE OR MASONRY WALL OR TO PRESSURE-TREATED STRINGER.DRY-SET EXTERIOR STEPSПодпись:Подпись:DRY-SET EXTERIOR STEPSПодпись: ,вО О О О ОПодпись: 0Рл° 0 0 О'о. • л п о о о ОПодпись: • •д-g . . ** a . о o°o Ooj> /  . п л « л A Подпись: ° о о о Oo 00 0°0 oOo 0 ,0 О о 0°д0 ° “ ° 0 DRY-SET EXTERIOR STEPSПодпись: ]Подпись: 'о’оРлОоО 0ovo ,o"t°(0»0 ..o' 0 о °o0 oo

Dry-set concrete paver steps, like dry-set brick steps, are supported on a bed of compacted gravel on the ground and are laid dry without concrete or mortar. Because of their size, large pavers like the ones shown here are more stable than bricks. For this reason, paver stairs may be constructed without containment at the riser; some paver stairs are even constructed without

containment at the sides.




paver projects over riser about 1 IN.



compacted rock base or self-compacting pea gravel

Most paver stairs are contained at the sides with walls or stringers, as shown below.

Concrete steps are durable and can be reasonably inexpensive, especially if they are built along with other concrete work...

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Problems with a leach field are uncommon among new installations. Unless the field was poorly designed or installed improperly, there is very little rea­son why it should fail. However, extremely wet ground conditions, due to heavy or constant rains, could force a field to become saturated. If the field saturates with ground water, it cannot accept the effluent from a septic tank. This, in turn, causes backups in houses. When this is the case, the person who created the septic design should be looked to in terms of fault.

Older Fields

Older fields sometimes clog up and fail. Some drain fields become clogged with solids. Financially, this is a devastating discovery. A clogged field has to be dug up and replaced...

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Water Disposal

[1] Annex C contains a Glossary of terms that may be unfamiliar to some readers.

[2] The terms permeability and hydraulic conductivity are both used to mean the ease with which water travels through saturated, porous media. In this book the term permeability is used pref­erentially. In particular the ‘coefficient of hydraulic conductivity’ and the term ‘coefficient of permeability’ are identical and given the symbol K.

[3] Co-ordinating Author:

23 S. Erlingsson

Haskoli Islands/University of Iceland, Iceland & Statens vag-och transportforskningsinstitut/ Swedish National Road and Transport Institute, Sweden e-mail: sigger@hi. is

A. R. Dawson (ed.), Water in Road Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-8562-8_2, © Springer Science+Business Media B. V. 2009

[4] Co-ordinating Author:

23 ...

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If possible, use a single strip of carpet on stairs, eliminating seams. Stair padding can be many pieces because it will be covered by carpet. For the best-looking job, carpet pile on treads should slant toward you as you ascend the stairs. On ris­ers, the pile should, therefore, point down. If you use several pieces of carpet on the stairs, for durability and appearance, carpet seams should always meet in riser-tread joints.

Estimating and ordering. First, determine the width of the runner. On closed stairs (which have walls on both sides), carpeting usually runs from wall to wall. On open stairs (with balusters on one or both sides), carpeting should run to the base of the balusters. In either case, each side of the car­pet should be tucked under 1J4 in...

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Appendix В: Stress Load Calculations for Beams


pan tables, like the one in Appendix A, will serve for roof design with most structures. With heavy roofs, such as earth roofs, adequate tables are very hard to find. This Appendix shows how to check the girders and rafters in a heavy roof design for shear and bending. Once you have followed through the example, and understand where all the numbers have come from, you should be able to use the formulas and procedures to check other rectilinear designs. Two other books with good information about calculating beam strength are A Timber Framer’s Workshop and Homing Instinct, both listed in Appendix C.

Using this Appendix requires familiarity with basic algebra, specifically the ability to substitute numbers for letters in a formula, and to solve for a single unknown...

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