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Evaluations of annual expected flood damage cost

In risk-based and optimal risk-based designs of hydrosystem infrastructures, the thrust of the exercise, after uncertainty and risk analyses are performed, is to evaluate E( Dx) as the function of the probability density functions (PDFs) of loading and resistance, damage function, and the types of uncertainty considered.

Подпись: E1( Dx) Подпись: qt Подпись: D(qqC) fq(q) dq Подпись: (8.32)

Conventional approach. In conventional risk-based design, where only inher­ent hydrologic uncertainty is considered, the structural size x and its corre­sponding flow-carrying capacity qc, in general, have a one-to-one monotonically increasing relationship. Consequently, the design variables x alternatively can be expressed in terms of design discharge of the hydrosystem infrastructure...

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Electromagnetic Fields

Electric and magnetic fields are commonly discussed as if they were a single entity termed electromagnetic fields or EMFs. In fact, the two phenomena, although interrelated, are distinctly different and they will be discussed separately in this chapter. Chart 16.1 presents a comparison of the two.

Magnetic Fields

Basic Home Wiring and Net Current

Although the relationship between human health and elevated fields remains contro­versial, there are definite safety concerns as­sociated with wiring techniques that cause magnetic fields. In recognition of such haz­ards, the National Electrical Code has man­dated safer wiring...

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Nail the casing to the jambs

Nailing trim around doors and windows can be difficult when the wall extends past the jamb.

If drywall edges protrude just a little, they can usually be knocked back enough by hitting them gently with a hammer. Just make sure the casing will completely cover the flattened, compressed drywall.

Sometimes, I start by installing door casing inside a closet, where people won’t readily notice mistakes. Think of it as a warm-up exercise. Begin by nailing a piece of side casing first, holding it to the reveal marks. (Other people start with the head casing first.) If you’re nailing
the casing by hand, drive a pair of nails at the top and then about every 16 in. down the casing...

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Air Filtration

The addition of filters to ventilation and forced-air heating and cooling systems allows for greater control of air quality. As discussed above, indoor air is often too polluted to prop­erly nourish occupants. The first line of defense against such pollutants is to provide an ample supply of fresh outdoor air through ventila­tion. Unfortunately, “fresh” air, although con­siderably cleaner in most cases than indoor air, often contains allergens in the form of molds, pollens, and manufactured pollutants,



How it works






To bring fresh air into the home and exhaust stale air

Takes advantage of natural air pat­terns...

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Until the 1960s, ventilation in homes occurred naturally, obviating the need for intentional ventilation systems. Homes were loosely built, allowing enough outside air to make its way through the home to keep it fresh. By some ac­counts, this loose construction contributed to as many as three to four air exchanges per hour. Although there were ample air exchanges, there was also an unacceptable amount of en­ergy required to run such a home, and uncon­trolled ventilation through air leakage can cause serious harm to a building. Currently, with energy-efficient construction, much of the unintentional air exchange has been elim­inated...

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. The Bright Future of

Подпись: ■ BY SEAN GROOM. The Bright Future of. The Bright Future of

Подпись: Small, powerful, and efficient. Now that they produce white light appropriate for residential settings, LEDs grouped together in a bulb pack enough punch that this 8w LED from Nexxus™ can replace a 75w PAR30 incandescent bulb.



lthough still a relatively small slice of the incandescent-dominated light­ing market, energy-efficient compact fluo – rescents (CFLs) and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have gained traction over the past few years, thanks to green-building pro­grams and some progressive local energy codes. They’re about to get a real boost.

The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 soon will limit the number of watts a bulb can consume for a given number of lumens, a measure of light output. The legislation takes effect Jan. 1, 2012, when the luminary equivalent of today’s 100w incan-



. The Bright Future of. The Bright Future of

Подпись:. The Bright Future of

. The Bright Future of


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Polymer modified binder

Polymer modified binders (PMBs)—which, according to EN 14023, is divided on the basis of penetration at 25°C and softening point (ring and ball)—have also been used.

When a modified binder is being used to enhance a particular property of an SMA mixture, with no reference to binder features (e. g., resistance to fatigue), some additional tests should be performed to confirm the desired effectiveness of a given binder. These tests should be conducted using methods described in the standard EN 12697. Using the results of previous tests is permissible. The origins of this clause of the SMA standard (EN 13108-5) are in the structure of the standard concerning PMB (EN 14023), which has a combination of classes enabling the description of basic requirements for PMB...

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Combined Heating and Cooling Systems

Heat pumps are far more energy efficient than electric resistance heat and can be used for both heating and cooling. Heat pumps extract heat from outside air or, in some cases, from a water source. Air-source heat pumps are most common in areas where winter tempera­tures seldom fall below 30 degrees Fahrenheit and where summer cooling loads are high. As temperatures fall below 30 degrees, the heat pump must rely on electric resistance heat­ing to make up the difference, at which point the system loses its economic advantage. Tire main advantages of a heat pump are that heat­ing and cooling needs are met by a single unit, humidity is not added to the air, and opera­tion is quiet.

Cooling Systems

Common types of air conditioners include condensing or refrigerated air conditioners, electr...

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Basic Papering Techniques

О Before you start hanging wallcovering, turn off the electricity to affected outlets, switches, and fixtures, and check with a voltage tester to be sure the power’s off.

Measure out from the door casing, if that’s where you’ll begin, and draw a plumb line that will become the leading edge of the first strip.

If the casing is out of plumb, allow the trailing edge of the strip to overlap the casing enough to be trimmed with a razor knife without creating a space along the casing. If the casing is plumb, simply butt the trailing edge to the casing. As you progress, however, continually check for plumb.


Measure the height of the wall and cut several strips to length, leaving extra at each end for trimming and vertically matching patterns...

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Chamber septic systems are used most often when the perk rate on ground is low. Soil with a rapid absorption rate can support a standard, pipe-and-gravel septic system. Clay and other types of soil may not. When bedrock is close to the ground, surface chambers are often used.

What is a chamber system? A cham­ber system is installed very much like a pipe-and-gravel system, except for the use of chambers. The chambers might be made of concrete or plastic. Concrete chambers are naturally more expensive to install. Plastic chambers are shipped in halves and put together in the field.

Since plastic is a very durable material, and it’s relatively cheap, plastic cham­bers are more popular than concrete chambers.

When a chamber system is called for, there are typically many chambers involved...

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