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Ships and maritime ports

Initially, the typical vessel in service on the Atlantic coast was the “long boat”, the Viking knorr whose appearance seems to have sown terror in the 9th century, and enabled the Normands to colonize Iceland and Greenland. This is a light boat, easily pulled onto the beach. In the 11th century quite a different type of boat appeared, one of much greater capacity: the cog. The expansion of commerce and the development of more protected harbors led to this evolution in boats. The newer, heavier vessel cannot be hauled up onto the dry beach. Therefore it is not necessary for it to have a flat bot­tom, and consequently its hull evolves toward a round form with a keel. This keel also gives the ship much better nautical performance, since it drifts less in a crosswind...

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Add smaller shelves to a closet

Rather than always running a shelf pole all the way across a closet, you can shorten the pole and add a column of shelves at one end, as shown in the illustration on p. 263. With this design, you can make a typical 6-ft. closet much more useful for storing all kinds of clothes, including shoes. Cut the 1×12 divider 76 in. long, lay out the shelf locations, then attach 1×2 shelf-support cleats to the divider.

I usually place the two lowest shelves 8 in. and 16 in. off the floor for shoes. For socks and underclothes, I place a shelf every 12 in. above the first two. Fasten corresponding cleats to the side of the closet wall where the shelves will be installed.

In a 6-ft.-wide closet, install a vertical di­vider 54 in. from one side or the other. Toenail the divider to the floor...

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Asphalt mixtures are construction products and the standards EN 13108-1 to 13108-7 are harmonized with the Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEC. The system “2+” has been adopted to evaluate conformity of asphalt mixtures. It consists of the following:

• Initial type testing of each mix produced by its manufacturer

• Certification of a Factory Production Control (FPC) with reference to EN 13108-21 conducted by a notified body, separate for each production site (asphalt plant)

The SMA design process (recipe) should be followed by confirmation that the mixture meets all requirements shown in the relevant categories listed in the NAD; if it does meet the requirements, it cannot enter the market...

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From Locks to Smoke Detectors

IT WAS THE GREAT YANKEE CATCHER, Yogi Berra, who said of baseball, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.” The same is true of building a house. Even as you finish the interior painting, install the cabinets, and complete all the plumbing and electrical work, there’s still plenty to do before a new house is ready to welcome its first inhabitants. Although most of these final tasks are small compared to the major construction stages that have already been done, there are a surprising number that belong on what some contractors refer to as punchlist. Such tasks range from installing the toilet-paper holder and mounting a fire extinguisher to nailing up house numbers and putting in the medicine cabinet...

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Development Phase

Objective. In the development phase, the alternatives that have survived the selection process are developed into firm, specific recommendations for change. The process involves not only detailed technical and economic testing but also an assessment of the probability of successful implementation.

Key Questions. Several questions must be answered about each alternative during the development of specific solutions:

Will it work?

Will it meet all necessary requirements?

Who has to approve it?

What are the implementation problems?

What are the costs?

What are the savings?


1. General. To satisfy the questions above, each alternative must be subjected to:

a. Careful analysis to ensure that the user’s needs are satisfied

b. A determination of technical adequacy

c. The development of...

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Design of Drainage Systems

The construction of new roads can cause impacts on the water resources of affected regions, causing irreversible effects in some cases.

Surface and subterranean water resources are finite and irreplaceable natural re­sources for survival, therefore their protection against abnormal flow and against pollution is of great importance, nowadays making their preservation an indispens­able part of a sustainable development policy. For this reason it is fundamental that a drainage system be developed that regulates the flow of effluents from the pavement platform, that controls the subterranean drainage and that minimises the hydrological impacts of the road on the environment.

An example of pavement sealing was seen in Slovenia for highways crossing very highly sensitive aquifers...

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Dishwashers: Less Hot Water Equals Less Energy Use


• The Energy Star label. Energy Star- qualified dishwashers are at least 41% more energy efficient than the federal minimum. Keep in mind that some mod­els exceed the standard significantly more than others; check the EnergyGuide label or the list of qualifying dishwashers at www. energystar. gov for high-performing machines.

• Soil sensing. With this technology, "fuzzy logic" is used to determine how dirty the dishes are. Water use and wash cycle are adjusted accordingly, saving significant water and energy.

• No-heat drying. Most dishwashers have an electric heating element and fan for drying dishes. Make sure the one you buy has a no-heat drying option, which can save a significant amount of energy.

usage tips

• Insulate hot-water pipes from the water heater so t...

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Evaluation Phase

Objectives. The purpose of this phase is to select the most promising alternatives from among those generated during the previous phase. During the creativity phase there is a conscious effort to prohibit any judicial thinking so as not to inhibit the cre­ative process. But in the evaluation phase, all the alternatives must be critically evalu­ated because many of them may not be feasible. The alternatives are studied individu­ally and/or grouped for the best solution. Identifying function may seem like a simple process—so simple, in fact, that it seems only a “simple” mind would be required to get the job done...

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The joints in baseboard should be close to per­fect. Minor touchups with latex caulk can be done before painting. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to make perfect joints at corners when the drywall is not straight or a corner is not square.

On inside corners, drywall can be tipped back, causing a coped or mitered baseboard joint to open. This can be remedied by putting a shim be­hind the tipped trim so that it sets straight up and down. Instead of a shim, I sometimes drive a dry – wall screw into the bottom plate to hold the base­board square (see the illustration at right).

I use two short pieces of baseboard with mi­tered (45-degree) ends to check outside corners for square (see the photo right)...

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Applying a water-based polyurethane does not differ much from applying an oil-based finish and, as noted in the preceding section, water – based finishes are more benign. Although "Finishes, Cleaning Solvents, and Applicators,” on p. 494, offers general guidance, consider the can label as the last word on drying times, recommended applicators, and so on.

Cutting the edge is the first step when apply­ing any type of floor finish. Use a brush or paint pad to apply a 6-in. swath of finish around the perimeter of the room, along cabinet bases—in short, any place that would be difficult to edge with a large applicator. Pour finish into a sloping paint tray with a replaceable liner, so you can easily reload the paint pad, brush, or large applicator.

If you’re applying a slow-drying finish, ...

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