Framing According to Code
Following are the code requirements and instructions related to floor framing:
• Double joists are required under parallel bearing walls.
• If pipes penetrate floors where double joists are required, the joists must be separated and have full-depth, solid blocks at least every 4′ along their length.
• Bearing for joists must be Ш" minimum on wood or steel, and 3" minimum on concrete or masonry.
• Where joists lap, there must be a minimum lap of 3" or a wood or metal splice of equal strength.
• The ends of joists must be kept from turning by using Ш" full-depth solid blocking or by attaching them to a header, band, rim joist, or adjoining stud.
• Full-depth, solid blocking is required at intermediate supports in IRC seismic design categories D1, D2, and E...
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