DIY Room Decor: 9 Stylish Ways to Upcycle & Reuse Tin Cans

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Tin cans are pretty darn easy to come by and even better, they’re easy to turn into other things! We’ve rounded up nine of our favorite ways to upcycle this item for decorating and reuse around the house.

Pictured above: Paint those tin cans, plant some pretty flowers in them, and then use them to perk up an outdoor area’s wall! Seen on Ciera Design.

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We just love the idea of using a tin can to make a sparkly, pretty table top lantern. Seen on A Little Craft in Your Day.

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Need stylish desk organizers? Why not paint some tin cans with a simple geometric pattern for a chic set? Seen on Upcycled Treasures.

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Flower vases don’t have to be made of glass! You can transform a tin can into a sweet spot for flowers. Seen on Cute DIYs.

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We love the idea of a painting a set of tin cans of different sizes with a set of the same hue, in different shades. Seems very modern and could be used for storing just about anything. Spotted on Laura Parke.

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Wrap tin cans in cork and add any graphic that you want to for another cute way to organize your desk supplies. Seen on the 3 R’s Blog.

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These little sweet lanterns are made a little better by adding metal hangers on them, so you could string them up in an outdoor setting for a great way to light an outdoor dinner party. Spotted on Craft Foxes.

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Need some cheap Halloween decor that will make a big impact? We love using tin cans for spooky lanterns to light the path to your home! Spotted on Fishly News.

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Again, another easy way to reuse tin cans is juts by printing out graphics on paper and wrapping them; it’s fast and you’re only limited by your imagination. Seen on Rebeccas DIY.

How have you reused and upcycled tin cans in your home, either as decor or as a functional item? Share your ideas in the comments below!

(Image credits: Ciera Design; A Little Craft in Your Day; Upcycled Treasures; Cute DIYs; Laura Parke; the 3 R’s Blog; Craft Foxes; Fishly News; Rebeccas DIY)

Updated: 20 октября, 2014 — 2:00 дп