Surefire Ways to Make Your House Feel More Like Home

If you are renting, stick to swapping out hardware or painting furniture. The important part is loving the space, and how it makes you feel. A home is more than four walls and a roof under which you lay your head at night, shovel down breakfast in the morning, and store your stuff. These needn’t be large massive changes, but small tweaks and choices that make you smile and feel good about where you are. If you work at all hours of the night, and only return home to sleep, then those warm fuzzy feelings about your abode are few and far between. Personalized Details: All of us have lived in boring, blank boxes at some point — whether it’s a dorm room, or a standard builder-grade home, that aren’t perfect, might be temporary, or are just we were are at that moment in our lives. Plus, artwork adds a different layer to your walls — color and interest. If you are only using your overhead lights, you are missing an important part of the equation. The artist or the source is less important than how it makes you feel. Don’t forget that non-traditional things can be stand in for art as well. (Image credits: Rachel Joy Photos / The Kitchn; Arthur Garcia-Clemente; Monsters Circus; Poppytalk) The Right Lighting: Lighting is one of the quickest ways to change the feeling of a room. Similarly, open your doors to others and invite them to share your space.

Updated: 19 ноября, 2014 — 9:47 дп