Name: Prisma

Their apparently obedient and relentless re-working of the permutations possible within the brief leads to answers that are surprising and original. The proportions, form and pattern produced by this design process are controlled by the architect, whose response is both practical (logical) and aesthetic (intuitive). The form of the exterior changed in response to analysis […]


A good architect could use this as an opportunity to design communal circulation spaces of real quality where people will take pleasure in meeting on the way to their otherwise isolated cellular offices. You’re drawing something that gets you to the real thing.’ Graham Haworth, Haworth Tompkins Many would say that they need restrictions in […]

Critical judgement

Architecture: Describe the scale of your proposal English: How big is it? It should not be confused with ‘criticism’: the comments made by reviewers at crits or reviews. As with much architectural education, there is a strong element of learning by doing and less evidence of instructive forms of teaching. The strength of critical judgement […]

Chapter summary

Probably, but you will only find out by trying them. Knowledge gained from past experience is certainly one part of the solution. Architects must use their critical judgement and exploit their capacity for reinvention to ensure that design- studio culture remains fluid, positive, accessible and relevant. This sketch of a group tutorial shows the hands […]

The project

The transient qualities of the site, so difficult to represent in architectural drawings, are immediately obvious: variations in light conditions, growth of vegetation, and the expectation of future change are tangible. Hadid has referred to them as ‘streams’. At this early stage, these lines may express the whole city, the building itself or both. Although […]

Professional design projects

Throughout the project, the architect coordinates the contributions of various consultants, such as engineers. There is still a need for architectural decisions, and therefore design work, while construction is in progress. Projects in a professional environment follow a broadly similar rhythm to student projects with early analytical and experimental phases, the development of the brief […]