Ferro-concrete pipes
Many perfectly know that such ferro-concrete pipes and where they are used. Truly, ferro-concrete pipes are very necessary in construction. Them use for transportation of household liquids, industrial, ground and atmospheric waters. Essentially, that waters did not destroy an internal surface of reinforced concrete. Very quite often pipes are used for construction of the storm sewerage (water throughput and beznaporny). Priority indicators of a choice of ferro-concrete pipes are the prices of the producer, technical properties, ease of transportation, the big range. Ferro-concrete pipes share on water throughput, bell-shaped, rectangular, road and pressure head.
Creation of these pipes began a little 10-ov years back and in our days povsevremenno is improved. The industry lets out in the way of a vibropressovaniye the good-quality production demanded everywhere, with the highest prochnostny lines, with the prices which completely suit the consumer. They are in great demand, because on all indicators have advantage before the pipes made on classical technology – way of a tsentrifugirovaniye.
Tsentrifugirovannye ferro-concrete pipes have not such smooth surface and the least strong. The Russian producers cooperate with zabugorny partners, enter leading technologies on production. Despite of it not all enterprises let out similar production. Therefore, ferro-concrete pipes use invariable demand on a national scale. Delivery is carried out by a car or жд transport. Ferro-concrete pipes transfer transportation without harm to quality. Ferro-concrete pipes divide into two classes – beznaporny bell-shaped and pressure head bell-shaped.
The bell-shaped use Beznapornye for transportation of different liquids the samoteky. Pressure head bell-shaped pipes use for transportation of liquids under pressure. Rectangular concrete pipes intend for laying under the road though what category (a car, жд etc.).
The main material for production of ferro-concrete pipes – heavy concrete. The brand of initial materials steals up is dependent on climate where pipes will be maintained, and criterion of operation. Ferro-concrete pipes serve still longer, than pig-iron and iron, on their izgotovka less material leaves. The diameter of pipes fluctuates from 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000 mm to 1200, 1400, 1600 mm. Length of 250 meters, 500 meters.
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